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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is a trustee of the research and policy advocacy group

Action for Economic Reforms and a partner at the Quevedo, Malaluan

& Lumba Law Offices.

In the January 12 issue of BusinessWorld’s Yellow Pad, Rafaelita M.

Aldaba of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies judged the

collapse of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade

Organization (WTO) in Cancun as a loss for poor countries. Others

believe otherwise.

To many, the collapse of the Cancun Ministerial represents an advance

for the struggle for a fairer world trade, to the benefit of poor


The collapse of the Cancun Ministerial cannot be weighed against some

utopian free trade benchmark. The reality is that the negotiations in

the WTO have been very political, characterized by leveraging positions

and protecting one’s interest while maximizing concessions from the

other side. In the end one decides based on what is concretely on the


In the course of the Cancun Ministerial, the Conference Chairperson

circulated a reworked draft Ministerial Declaration on Sept. 13, 2003

(a day before the conference’s scheduled close) that sidelined the

position of developing countries and even worsened for them an already

bad negotiating text. In agriculture, the text did not call for serious

reforms in domestic support and export subsidies.

The Green Box, a mechanism for developed country subsidies, was not

definitely addressed, even as developing countries were told to

decrease their tariffs drastically.

In Non-Agriculture Market Access, there was no change to relax tariff

reduction commitments, even as it only weakly referred to non-tariff

barriers used by developed countries for their protection. The cotton

initiative introduced by Burkina Faso on behalf of cotton exporters

from Africa for the elimination of subsidies by major developed country

subsidizers was disregarded.

And finally capping the imbalance was the draft’s insistence on

starting negotiations on at least two new issues (trade facilitation

and government procurement) and a deadline to reach agreement on the

two other new issues (investment and competition policy) despite an

alliance of more than 70 developing countries opposing the launch of

negotiations on these new issues.

It is against this lopsided agreement, resulting from the developed

countries’ insistence on aggressive opening up in developing countries,

even as they refuse substantial reforms in their domestic support and

export subsidies, that the collapse of the Cancun Ministerial needs to

be assessed.

It is to our trade negotiators’ credit that it took the side of

emerging developing country alliances in Cancun and stood firm against

the lopsided agreement. As Joseph Stiglitz said in a talk with the

Bangladesh Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in August last

year, ”

t is better to have no deal, rather than have a bad deal.” Beyond the

failure to agree on the details, perhaps an even more significant

outcome of the collapse of Cancun is the evidently growing disrepute of

the very theoretical foundation of the WTO, that is, liberalization


Liberalization fundamentalism holds that deep trade liberalization is

the key to economic progress and to global integration. The evidence is

inconclusive. The claim that growth is strongly linked to more open

trade policies is disputed by many economists, such as Dani Rodrik.

Rodrik notes in his article Trading in Illusions, which appeared in the

Spring 2001 issue of Foreign Policy, that economists blame failure to

liberalize as the reason for poor economic performance, when the real

reasons are often ineffective institutions and inappropriate

macroeconomic policies.

He further points out that the high performers in both global

integration and economic growth, such as China and India, combined

outward orientation with policies that are inconsistent with deep

liberalization – including high levels of tariff and non-tariff

barriers, high degrees of public ownership, export subsidies, domestic

content requirement, restrictions on capital flows, and intellectual

property infringements.

The unsystematic relationship between openness and growth is borne out

in the Philippine experience. Despite the deep, unilateral, and

universal trade liberalization implemented by government, our economy

remains in the doldrums and marginally integrated in the world economy.

As the Action for Economic Reforms observed in a recent analysis (Think

Beyond Cancun, Recast Philippine Trade Policy, Sept. 11, 2003), the

proponents of the deep, universal and unilateral trade liberalization

strategy grossly miscalculate the mobility of labor, the behavior of

foreign and local capital, and the level of entrepreneurship in the

Philippines – factors that are critical in determining increases in

competitiveness of promising firms as well as the birth of new firms

and jobs in place of dying industries. They de-emphasize the

protectionism of developed countries, which continue to pour heavy

domestic support and export subsidies on their agriculture.

They also junk wholesale the efficacy of prudent and well-targeted

institutional interventions that have helped other countries become

better able to take advantage of opportunities offered by the world


What next after Cancun? For one, the government should closely watch

the Geneva process that seeks to continue work on the “outstanding

issues.” This process should not be allowed to proceed on a “business

as usual” attitude. Instead, the process must be fine-tuned to respond

to the underlying issues that precipitated the collapse of the Cancun


In other words, the process should now look beyond the Doha work

program, and instead start a reexamination of the theoretical and

institutional foundations of the WTO.

But the post-Cancun challenge on the home front is even more important.

The government must see it as an opportunity to recast its trade and

industrial policy, in fact its overall development strategy, but this

time no longer shackled by the simplistic formula of deep and

unilateral liberalization.

The result should be an autonomous program that combines market, state

and social instruments in a manner that recognizes the country

specificity of our productive forces and institutions.

The fact is, the government is finding it very difficult to raise

resources to provide the so-called safety nets to accompany deep

liberalization. The fact is, a great segment of our producers lack the

entrepreneurship, technology and capital to expect them to necessarily

respond efficiently to punishing competition.

These factors require flexibility and experimentation in state policy,

which is not possible under the restrictive global and national rules

of liberalization fundamentalism.

Given all these, government should grab the opportunity and lose no

time in re-crafting its trade, industrial and overall development


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