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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is a professor of economics at the Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, and the executive director of the Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies, De La Salle University.

In contrast to manufacturing, the Philippine agricultural sector

received increased protection during the latter 1980s and the 1990s.

Thus, the nominal rate of protection (NRP) for rice increased from an

average of -4% during 1970-79 to 19% during 1990-94 and 68% during

1995-1998. Similarly, the NRP for corn increased from 24% during

1970-79 to 78% during 1990-1998. The NRP for sugar increased from 5%

during the 1970s to 84% during the 1990s. The NRPs for pork and chicken

increased from 6% and 34%, respectively, during the 1970s to 44% and

84%, respectively, in 1995. (See David 1999, p. 11). The rise in the

nominal rate of protection is also reflected in the effective rates of

protection estimates. Specifically, agriculture overtook the erstwhile

leader in effective rates of protection by late 1990s (Medalla 1999).

The high rate of protection could be expected to help cushion in

principle the impact on the whole economy of the adjustment problems in

industry. That is, other things being equal, the growth of agriculture

could be expected to be robust. Agriculture did grow better in the

1990s than in the 1980s. However, the growth rate was much lower than

during the 1970s when protection rates were significantly lower.

Similarly, the growth rate of Philippine agriculture was also much

lower than in many other countries in East and South Asia).

Although poor weather bedeviled Philippine agriculture in the 1980s and

the 1990s (i.e., the El Nino and La Nina phenomena), the more

compelling reason for the comparatively poor performance of Philippine

agriculture is inadequate and poor allocation of public expenditures in

agriculture. Public expenditures for agriculture and natural resources

in real terms declined substantially in the early 1980s, recovered in

the late 1980s, declined during the early 1990s, recovered in the

mid-1990s and increased further in the latter 1990s (David 1999).

However, government expenditure in productivity-enhancing investments

in agriculture (e.g., irrigation, agricultural R & D) was niggardly

during the latter 1980s until the mid-1990s. David (1999) estimates

that only about 30%-40% of public expenditures in agriculture in the

latter 1980s up to the mid-1990s was in productivity enhancing


David (1999) points out that irrigation, which accounted for about half

of all agricultural public spending and one-fifth of total

infrastructure budget during 1947-1984, dropped sharply in the

mid-1980s and continued to decline thereafter. Indeed, it is worthwhile

to note that the Philippines remains one of the countries with the

lowest share of irrigated land to total cropped land in East Asia and

South Asia. The Philippine share in the mid-1990s of around 16% is

lower than Thailand’s 24% and much lower than China’s 38%, Korea’s 61%,

Bangladesh’s 43%, Vietnam’s 31%, and Pakistan’s 81%. This share is low

especially relative to countries where grains such as rice and wheat

are very important in their agricultural systems (e.g., China, Vietnam,

Korea, Pakistan, Bangladesh). This is also particularly low for a

country like the Philippines which has a population density higher than

Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, thereby requiring a more intensive

use of its agricultural land to feed its people and produce for

exports. The share of irrigated land to total agricultural land barely

increased from about 15% during the early 1980s to around 17% in the

1990s. Moreover, the lack of proper maintenance of the irrigation

facilities has meant the deterioration in the facilities and the

reduction in the effective irrigated area covered.

David (1999) also points out the severe under-funding of agricultural

research and technology generation. The Philippine agricultural

research intensity in the mid-1990s, at 0.41%, pales in comparison with

Thailand’s 1.40%, Malaysia’s 1.06% and Taiwan’s 4.65%. Moreover, the

commodity allocation of agricultural R&D leaves much to be desired.

For example, there has been virtually no public R&D expenditures on

corn and little on coconut and in Mindanao. Yet, they are the two

commodities which account for the largest agricultural imports (corn)

and exports (coconut) together with the region(s) with the greatest

potential for agricultural growth and diversification (Mindanao). The

long neglect of coconut R&D is one reason for the declining

competitiveness of the country’s coconut oil exports in the

international lauric oil market especially vis-a-vis palm.

As a result of the neglect of productivity-enhancing investments in

agriculture, the performance of the agricultural crops subsector was

very mixed and volatile. It was primarily the protected livestock and

poultry subsector, especially the commercial segment, that registered

robust growth during the period, in response to the rising domestic


The weak support to productivity-enhancing investments in agriculture

meant that the sector could not provide a robust and sustained growth

impulse for the country. It also means that the Filipino poor, most of

them relying on agriculture for livelihood, could not earn enough to

pull them out of poverty. Indeed, there is an indirect backlash against

the poor families in the rural areas from the protectionist approach to

agricultural growth. Specifically, the resulting high food costs in the

country engenders demand for high nominal wages, which given the

declining trade protection and appreciating peso makes the country

uncompetitive in unskilled labor intensive manufactures. Hence, the

shift towards the more skilled labor industries. However, it is the

children of the rural poor who are particularly handicapped with low

level of educational attainment. Thus, they have lower probability of

getting the more remunerative jobs in the skilled labor-intensive

industries. At the same time, the probability of getting unskilled

labor-intensive job is also diminished by the deteriorating

competitiveness of domestic unskilled labor-intensive industries.

Yet, it is increasingly acknowledged that one key means of pulling the

rural poor out of poverty is to increase the proportion of

non-agricultural income to total income of the rural households.

Moreover, a recent study (Habito, Briones and Paterno 2001) suggests

that farm households that also have non-agricultural sources of income

tend to undertake agricultural investments. In short, there seems to be

a new loop out of poverty; that is, investment in education leading to

nonfarm employment that leads to higher family income that encourages

investments in agriculture leading to higher productivity in

agriculture and higher agricultural incomes to add to the

nonagricultural sources of income.

It may be worth noting that the Philippines seems to have wasted

opportunities for greater growth promoting agriculture-industry

linkages and spillovers. Thus, for example, the robust growth in

agriculture in the latter 1970s (when the returns from the so-called

green revolution and intensive investments in irrigation bore fruit)

did not result in large positive spillovers in the non-agricultural

sector. This was because the period saw the intensification of

industrial protection that encouraged capital intensive manufactures as

well as of rent seeking. Similarly, the dismantling of protection in

industry in the 1990s coincided with increased agricultural protection

without the needed support for productivity-enhancing investments. As a

result, there was also no significant positive spillover between

industry and agriculture in the 1990s.

Tradable services and comparative advantage

Tradable services are likely to be an important anchor for the

Philippines in a globalized environment. For example, many people

consider the Philippines to have a big potential in tourism given the

variety of natural and adventure-related tourism assets. Moreover, the

country is very near major tourist sending countries like Japan, Korea,

Taiwan and increasingly China. Tourism development in the Philippines

is likely to contribute to poverty reduction because many of the

tourism assets of the country are in the countryside; e.g., several of

the island provinces and the far north in Luzon. However, poor

infrastructure facilities, peace and order problems, political

uncertainty, low priority accorded to tourism, and lack of promotional

budget have all conspired to prevent the Philippines from benefiting

fully from the tourism boom in East Asia during the 1990s.

Information-based services such as backroom operations and computer

programming have gained currency in recent years after the deregulation

of the telecommunications industry contributed to one bright spot in

the Philippines during the 1990s; i.e., investments and growth in

telecommunications in the country. The Philippine tertiary educational

institutions have been responsive to the increasing market demand for

information-based skills as reflected in the sharp rise in enrollments

in fields such as computer studies as well as robust growth in

engineering programs.

In short, tradable services may become a substantial area for

employment creation in the future for the Philippines. However, it is

only now that tourism development is being given larger importance in

the development programs of the country and it is still severely

constrained by budget constraints because of the overall fiscal

tightening of the government. Similarly, the potentials for the use of

information-based services for employment creation in the countryside

outside of Metro Manila and its environs are still hampered by the

inadequacy of telecommunication facilities outside Metro Manila and a

few major cities in the country.

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