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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is professor at the American University in Washington, D.C

Over the last few decades, a new field called feminist economics has

emerged, raising the importance of gender as an analytical element.

Drawing from women’s lives and experiences, feminist economists have

shown how well-accepted economic thinking, accompanying models and

stylized facts have been based on stereotypical assumptions about

gender. The term “gender” as it is used here refers not so much to

biological differences but more the social construction that assigns

different roles, rights and opportunities to persons based on their sex.

Feminist economics has made major contributions towards broadening the

sphere of economic inquiry. It has criticized and challenged the

dominant paradigm (neo-liberal or neoclassical economics) with its

emphasis and preoccupation on the market economy rather than the full

range of human economic life. Many feminist economists believe that the

neoclassical framework poorly characterizes the lives of those whose

economic circumstances are more distinctly structured by factors beyond

their personal control, and hides the fact that many people have little

opportunity to self-determine their lives.

Disagreeing with the mainstream economic view that cultural and social

factors should be treated as exogenous, feminist economists such as

Bina Agarwal, Nancy Folbre, Lourdes Beneria and Diane Elson explain how

social norms and social perceptions are interlinked with the market,

the community and the state. They argue that those who hold greater

social, familial and economic power decisively influence the norms and

perceptions that prevail in a given economic setting. As a result,

economic processes and institutions that operate through these social

norms yield different outcomes and impacts.

A large part of the problem lies in the implicit male-bias embedded in

the underlying assumptions, theoretical framework and methodology of

the neo-liberal discipline. For example, it is typically assumed that

economics is gender-neutral. The critical gendered aspects of the

economy are not accorded any analytical relevance and the data are not

collected to support an alternative economic analysis. Data such as

those of employment, underemployment and wages have not been

systematically disaggregated until the 1980s for many developing


This has resulted in a body of knowledge that generates policies which

ignore important dimensions of economic life such as the household

production of non-marketed goods and services vital for social

reproduction and human development. Much of these activities are still

carried out outside the labor market, are essentially female-dominated

and usually unremunerated. They are “invisible” yet ensure the renewal,

care and quality of the work force and enable the functioning of an

economy. Activities such as attending to emotional needs, child care,

cooking, and so forth are regarded less valuable than activities that

produce money income.

Until recently, there has been little systematic effort to document and

measure this important segment of the economy. This invisibility has

contributed vastly to the undervaluation of women’s contribution to the


There is a growing consensus that the neglect of the reproductive or

care economy has led to a limited understanding of the differences in

opportunities and constraints as well as in the impact of economic

change, policies and technology advances on men and women. Recent

attempts by feminist economists have incorporated gender in

macroeconomic models and seek to demonstrate the important dynamics

between the visible, productive, market-based economy and the invisible

“reproductive economy.”

Developments in labor market theories and empirical research have also

shown the important link between reproductive economic activities

performed mainly at home and labor market participation. The unequal

division of unpaid work between women and men has been linked to the

sex-segregated character of labor markets and gender-based

discriminatory practices in training, hiring and promotion.

Reproductive or care activities and the largely invisible, unpaid labor

used in them have thus become important areas of feminist economic

inquiry. They ask such questions as “What are the consequences of human

activities that support human relationships, and how should these be

theorized in relation to other economic activities?” “How do the

present gendered division of housework and care provisioning influence

women’s options, choices and position in the marketplace?”


Feminist economics has likewise challenged existing methodologies and

approaches which have evolved to deal primarily with markets and market

behavior. Just as neoclassical economic models and theories give rise

to certain data needs, so do feminist economics. Many existing

statistical conventions for the definition and measurement of economic

activity are either gender-blind or gender-biased. Technical problems

and methodological considerations confront feminist economics in their

research as they try to collect new kinds of data and measure

previously unmeasured economic phenomenon. Economists who want to

conduct research on feminist issues and concerns realize that their

graduate training has instilled in them specific skills for analyzing

secondary data but not for collecting it.

This implies that gender is not only a central analytical category that

needs to be integrated in economic theory, but also in methodology and

empirical investigation as well. The theoretical or analytical models

dictate what questions are being asked and what information are deemed

relevant. Methodology shapes the response or answer to these questions.

This presents another challenge: the development of a gender-sensitive


In calling for a body of knowledge more accountable to the diversity of

human lives, feminist economics raises questions that are of immediate

importance to broader segments of the population in developing

countries. How to provide for basic human needs, for example, is a more

compelling question to the hungry than how to simply understand human

wants and choices. Similarly, efforts to assess human well-being may be

more useful to many than simple measures of output of the market


The policies and actions of governments, multilateral institutions and

the private sector can alter the options and opportunities faced by men

and women – whether as participants in the market economy or as

contributors to the non-market, care economy. Macroeconomic policies

have social as well as economic outcomes; they affect the distribution

of benefits and costs among the population. There are critical gender

dimensions of macroeconomic and sectoral policies that need to be

recognized and addressed.

Domestic Financial Policies. Government plays a crucial role not only

in facilitating efficiency and innovation in financial services, but

also in steering the development of its financial sector towards

serving economic and social development goals including gender

equality. While financial institutions are prone to excessive risk

taking, they tend to be conservative when it comes to serving the poor

and in particular, women.

Many formal financial institutions tend to ration their financial

services, e.g. savings and credit facilities, mainly to higher income

households or large businesses, particularly corporations. Indeed,

financial institutions bypass many financial needs of whole social

groups including the poor and women. This is due not only to

transaction costs and collateral considerations but also to prevailing

gender norms and persistent gender inequalities.

Women’s lack of access to credit is widely recognized as one of the key

constraints that limit women’s performance in productive activities.

Many poor women cannot provide adequate collateral and the requirements

for obtaining bank credit often discourage women from approaching banks

and traditional financial institutions for their financial needs.

While microcredit and microfinance projects have become one of the key

strategies for addressing women’s poverty, these schemes require a more

gender-sensitive programming and management approach in order to ensure

that they do not undermine women’s empowerment.

Furthermore, important as they are, microcredit programs do not address

women’s need for other financial services that go beyond credit – such

as insurance, savings mobilization, and technical assistance. The

development of financial services that serve women on a major scale

will require the provision of an integrated saving, insurance as well

as credit services in an easily accessible form and the inclusion of

women in the leadership, planning and decision making.

Fiscal Policies. The decrease in the level of government spending for

essential social services has been a key element in public sector or

government downsizing. Declines in government support for health care,

education, housing, utilities, and sanitation in many countries have

contributed to the unaffordability of basic goods and services that are

vital for human maintenance. Such cuts in key social programs are

likely to increase women’s unpaid work and at the same time, raise the

costs of schooling in schools and universities. In some cases, girls

are made to withdraw from schools and help in household chores or work

in the informal sector as education becomes less affordable.


With the reduction of the government role, public-private sector

partnerships have been forged to address specific aspects of poverty

reduction. Unless they take gender into account, such programs are

likely to ignore gender differences in risks and vulnerability, thereby

leading to significant, often unintended, gender impacts.

Further, as pressure for governments to adopt fiscal austerity measures

increases, the allocation of public expenditures will continue to

neglect other special needs and priorities of many women. These

include, among others, violence against women and the disproportionate

burden of caring for children, the sick and dependents. There is urgent

need to meet the provisioning of such services as domestic violence

counseling and child care support but they are often given low priority

amidst fiscal tightening.

Investment and Financial Policies. The terms under which private

capital flows are encouraged to enter a country are critical in

determining whether foreign investment promotes or undermines women’s

empowerment and gender equality. For example, the reallocation of

budget priorities towards infrastructure that would primarily benefit

foreign investors may constrain resources available to other budget

expenditures such as education, health, sanitation and other social


The potential, significant costs resulting from such shifts in budget

allocation and decline in public social services are in “less visible”

and often unmeasured forms. These include increased unpaid work burden

of women and other social costs. Also, the use of tax-based incentives,

cheap labor and feeble environmental and labor standards to attract

foreign capital leads to an inequitable distribution of benefits and


While financial market liberalization helps in the rapid expansion of

market economies, it can also make countries grow more unequal and

vulnerable to rapid swings in markets. The free mobility of capital

exacerbates economic instability and increases the risk of economic

downturns and crises. These associated risks are disproportionately

shouldered by the poor, particularly women and children.

In the absence of social services and comprehensive safety nets, women

become subject to increased economic and social pressures. If the

formal market sector of the economy collapses, household production is

likely to increase. At the same time, women must also manage the

increased stresses that inevitably emerge within households. The unpaid

labor of caring increases during times of economic crisis, but this

work primarily falls on women and intensifies serious health problems

and stress.

Trade Policies. Trade liberalization has a significant impact on the

structure and scale of employment. Such transformation has not yielded

gender-neutral results in terms of earnings, employment, and level of

unpaid work. The link between gender, trade and growth are bound to

differ in economies with diverse economic structures and social norms.

Export expansion can have potential benefits in terms of higher growth,

more foreign exchange earnings, increased employment and improved

women’s welfare. Among the industrializing, developing countries, the

share of women workers in the export-oriented, manufacturing sector

such as garments and electronics has substantially increased. However,

while access to an independent source of income tends to be highly

valued by women not only for what it buys but also for the greater

dignity it brings, it may also have serious costs to women’s (or their

families’) welfare.

For instance, increased women’s participation in the labor market may

be at the cost of longer workdays for women and more intensification of

work at home particularly if they continue to perform most of the

household work, child care and care of the sick. Furthermore, the

offering of low wages and the significant wage gap between men and

women in the East Asian countries have served as stimuli to investors

in the export-oriented, female labor-based sectors.

Lastly, the erosion of workers rights allowed by governments and

endorsed by multilateral institutions to serve as one of the main

building blocks for increased competitiveness in the world market has

resulted in working conditions that have either remained poor or


The extent to which strategic trade polices as a development strategy

bases its success on the maintenance of gender inequalities will

frustrate a nation’s ability to achieve its human development

objectives. Global competition in the commodities market should not

occur as a “race-to-the-bottom” that is dependent on erosion of

workers’ rights and systematic discrimination against women and girls.

The challenge to understand the differential impacts of macroeconomic

policies in the context of globalization has led to a more careful

examination of the microfoundations of macroeconomic policies from a

gendered perspective. The underlying assumption that “economic agents

are perfect, rational utility maximizers” combined with the exclusion

of non-market care activities are criticized by feminist economists for

generating inaccurate and incomplete descriptions of whole economic

systems. As Nancy Folbre argued, economic agents are purposeful agents

who make decisions to buy, sell, and engage in various social

activities influenced by both efficiency consideration and “the social

construction of individual preferences and cultural norms.”

When this recognition of the complexity of human behavior is combined

with a definition of the economy broader than currently found in most

macroeconomic models and theories, then economists can better

understand how an economy works, grows and develops. An economy is more

than just the sum of private and public enterprises, the goods and

services valued in monetary terms. Such stylized fact systematically

distorts perceptions of current trends and effects of macroeconomic

policies. One such crucial aspect that is excluded is the time spent in

household production, investments in human capital through childcare

and education, depletion of national resources and degradation of the


A large part of the problem lies in the implicit male-bias embedded in

the underlying assumptions, theoretical framework and methodology of

the neo-liberal discipline. For example, it is typically assumed that

economics is gender-neutral. The critical gendered aspects of the

economy are not accorded any analytical relevance and because it is

conceptually not important, the data are not collected to support an

alternative economic analysis.

The challenge that is posed to economic orthodoxy is therefore this:

That the notion of an economy must be studied in terms of provisioning

to meet human needs rather than scarcity combined with unlimited wants.

Feminist economics also challenges the economic profession’s preference

for economic efficiency arguments and shifts macroeconomic policy

concerns towards equity and fairness considerations.

This leads to the development and exploration of new methods of data

gathering, learning and empirical assessments. New research agenda that

includes household decision-making, allocation of time, gender

differences in patterns of market behavior such as in savings and

expenditure allocation are beginning to be addressed. Changing existing

data collection and methods is also crucial not only for better

evaluation of current economic policies but also for more complete

accounting of a nation’s total economic activities. The use of

qualitative information and fieldwork as complement to quantitative

data helps uncover biases in survey data and offer further insights as

to the economic activities performed by people.

The opportunities for restructuring macroeconomic models are also being

explored. Rather than simply adding and stirring women into existing

models, current efforts by Diane Elson, Gerald Epstein, Nilufer Cagatay

and Stephanie Seguino are re-visioning the macroeconomy and developing

analytical frameworks that more accurately represent the complexity of

human behavior.

The challenge is to help translate these into practical strategy and

for the economics profession to regard people and their well-being not

simply as factors of production but as ends in themselves. It also

means making macroeconomic policies create conditions for both women

and men to be truly agents of their own development.

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