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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is research associate, Action for Economic Reforms; lecturer, Department of Economics, Ateneo de Manila University.

The Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics state that a private

property, perfectly competitive free market will maximize private and

social welfare, and will result in an efficient allocation of resources

through competition. Furthermore, if government decides to intervene in

the market where no imperfections exist, deadweight losses will arise

and will make government vulnerable to capture and corruption. These

serve as the theoretical underpinnings of what has come to be known as

the Washington Consensus – privatize, liberalize, deregulate.

Empirical evidence seems to support the propositions of the Washington

Consensus. Studies show that, once other relevant characteristics are

controlled for, countries with lower policy-induced barriers to

international trade grow faster. It is generally accepted that the

economic tigers of East Asia (EA) grew at unparalleled rates via

globalization. Poverty reduction in these countries was likewise

phenomenal. Such growth and development was based on taking advantage

of global markets for exports, thereby closing technological and

resource (e.g. capital) gaps.

Cognitive Dissonance

And yet, there are other examples that just seem to disagree with

theory. How is it that countries in Latin America and Africa are

growing at much slower rates now that they have liberalized their

economies compared to when they were import-substituting? Or perhaps,

bringing the issue closer to home, what do we make of the East Asian

crisis? The fact is that there is also a plethora of evidence that show

that openness has very little to do with growth. Rodrik argues that

methodologies employed in most of the literature leave the results open

to diverse interpretations and, in his own study, finds little evidence

that open trade policies are significantly associated with economic


The question that has arisen therefore is whether globalization is

indeed all that the theory claims it to be. Is there truly a dissonance

between theory and reality?

A Question of Ideology?

Unfortunately, answering those questions has heretofore been reduced to

a matter of pledging of allegiance to a particular ideology. Side with

free trade and you will be called a neo-liberal. Ask for the temporary

relief for a particular industry, and you will be called protectionist.

Point out the possible perils of the free market, and you will be

branded a Marxist.

But if there is anything that we must learn from recent history, it is

that ideologies, orthodoxies, and creeds (which are exactly what the

Washington Consensus is!) can never supplant critical thinking.

Restoring Coherence

Even the theory admits that if certain crucial assumptions are

unfulfilled, a market failure ensues, and letting the market be is

simply not optimal. Furthermore, while the ENTIRE country may be better

off after free trade theoretically, a distributional problem arises,

with benefits accruing only to a few, and costs being borne by many.

But perhaps the most crucial assumption of the theory of the free

market is the one pointed out by Karl Polanyi (1957): Markets are

sustainable only to the extent that they are embedded in social and

political institutions that serve to stabilize, legitimize, and

regulate market outcomes. Without such institutions, a market cannot


Even with the extensions, however, the theory is still inadequate in

explaining reality. While the use of simple graphs can illustrate how

trade liberalization increases societal welfare, one must ask the

obvious but oft-ignored question: WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE? Moreover,

graphs and general equilibrium equations work almost instantaneously,

but reality requires time to unfold. People and the institutions that

they build need time to adapt. Of these, the theory does not have a


Revisiting the Model

A second look at the East Asian miracle will show that while the tigers

truly were outward-oriented, the distinctive characteristic, however,

was that they also managed the process of globalization on their own.

These countries espoused trade and investment liberalization, but did

so in an unorthodox manner – sequentially, and only after an initial

period of high growth, and as part of a broader package with many

unconventional features. But capital account liberalization, another

form of globalization forced upon the economies by the International

Monetary Fund and its Washington Consensus dogma, altered key

ingredients of the model and led to the model’s spectacular nose-dive

in 1997. Indeed, it is here in East Asia that the rewards and risks of

globalization have been most dramatically manifested.

If one asks, however, whether the miracle can be repeated and the

crisis avoided, the answer will be a dismal “Not likely.” The present

institutional arrangement of the world economy precludes a repeat of

the East Asian miracle, and almost guarantees a repeat of the crisis.

Unconventional strategies that greatly helped these economies in the

past, such as domestic content requirement and investments policies,

are now frowned upon by multilateral agencies, foreign governments, and

even academics. Capital controls that could very well reduce the

probability of financial crisis, or perhaps just buy the country some

time to react to a sudden reversal of capital flows, are also not

welcomed by these groups. Unfortunately, these are the same people that

wield power in the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank (WB),

International Monetary Fund (IMF), and even Asian Development Bank


The problem with such institutions is not so much what they advocate,

for indeed it is understandable how one can be so enthralled and

mesmerized by the theory’s elegance. A bigger problem is their attitude

when they prescribe reforms – highly ideological, very dogmatic, and

extremely myopic.

Reforms and Advocacies

There is undeniably much use for global institutions. But these

institutions need to be sensitized to cultural and national diversity

of nations. The WTO, IMF, WB, and the ADB must be made to realize that

globalization is but a means towards a higher end – development!

Clearly, the priorities of such institutions need to be reassessed and

rearranged, and they must be made to acknowledge and accept the

undeniable truth that globalization also has its costs. As such, the

most important item in today’s agenda is to ensure that there be a

broad-spectrum clamor for allowing sovereign countries to manage such

costs and risks in their own terms. As Rodrik said, “Too much faith in

foreign models makes you unmindful of the unique characteristics of

your own context.” After all is said and done, one size never really

does fit all.

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