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Action for Economic Reforms

The weakest link of the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) administration is

the widening budget deficit. To be precise, the main problem is the

declining revenue collection. Tax administration reforms are necessary

but not enough to increase the revenues to finance growth and

development. Tax administration reforms have to be accompanied by

unpopular tax increases.

The growing budget deficit is probably the weakest link of the Gloria

Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) administration. But the real problem lies in the

declining revenue collection— resulting in the bigger budget deficit.

In fact, the current budget deficit as a proportion of GDP (gross

domestic product), in itself, is not that alarming. For 2002, the

government's targeted budget deficit is 3.3 percent of GDP. The ratio

can go higher, if the trend of weak revenues continues.

Some quarters in the GMA administration have tried to justify the

deficit as a case of deficit spending to finance growth. We can concede

that deficit-spending is worthwhile at this juncture so long as it

satisfies two conditions, namely:

Tax reform measures are pursued, and revenue collection targets are accomplished

The revenues are used to finance growth and poverty reduction

(e.g., human development and infrastructure as defined in its broad


The first is essential for at least two reasons. First, it prevents a

runaway budget deficit, making the deficit manageable. Second, it is a

signal to investors that despite the deficit, the government is

committed to achieving fiscal discipline. In a word, increased revenue

collection as a result of efficient collection and other tax

administration reforms is one essential condition for long-term growth.

The second condition also directly contributes to long-term sustained

growth. In particular, increasing public spending to strengthen human

capital is a priority. Human capital together with democratic and

strong governance is the key to freeing the Philippines from the

shackles of underdevelopment. But a closer scrutiny of the 2002 budget

shows that public spending is barely enough to cover the minimum

development needs.

At any rate, all the talk about deficit spending or pump-priming the

economy is imaginary. The government does not have a strategy for

deficit spending. At the outset, it has been more concerned about

having a balanced budget at the soonest possible time. We can only

surmise then that a spin master has used the jargon of deficit spending

to cover up the inability of the administration to meet its own fiscal


The latest pronouncement from the economic policymakers is that they

are standing by their original target with respect to the budget

deficit. They see the problem of the missed target for the first

semester of 2002 as a challenge that has to be met.


Brave words, indeed. It would however be more prudent for the

policy-makers to exercise flexibility regarding the budget deficit but

maintain firmness and be relentless in the collection of revenues,

especially taxes.

It is crucial to define weak revenue collection as the principal

problem. To address the concern over the widening budget deficit, the

focus must be on increasing revenues, especially tax revenues, and the

attendant need to enhance tax administration.

In the first place, there is not much to cut in public expenditures in

the short term. Across-the-board reduction of public spending would

adversely affect programs and projects that are geared toward long-term

growth and human development.

To be sure, we can always find items in the budget that can and should

be cut. Some, for example, have proposed the abolition of non-essential

government agencies. However, this solution, which is more appropriate

for the medium term, is not sensitive to the immediate issue.

Especially in a democratic setting, a radical move to abolish

government agencies and their personnel would have to go through a long

process of debate. Closure of government offices and retrenchment of

public workers moreover entail costs—including the political

transaction costs (i.e., "side-payments")—that in the short term

compound the budget deficit.

Clearly, then, in responding to the budget deficit, government must

devote its prime attention to the deficiency in tax collection. Time

and again, we must remind ourselves of the perennial problem of weak

tax effort resulting from inefficient tax collection.

Corporate income tax and individual income tax are the biggest internal

revenue earners. However, actual collection for both is far from

approximating the tax potential. A policy paper from the Department of

Finance (DoF) estimated that for 2001, the leakage (actual collection

as proportion of the potential revenue) from the individual income tax

was 72.27 percent. For the corporate income tax and the minimum

corporate income tax, the leakage was 39.86 percent and 87.75,

respectively. In short, the tax leakage is very high in relation to

direct taxation. But evasion is also high with regard to indirect

taxation. The DoF paper calculated that the leakage in the value-added

tax in 2001 was 49.94 percent.

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has correctly identified that its

priority is reforming tax administration. It seems, however, that in

practice the BIR is more engrossed with an exercise that is for the

long-term—specifically its advocacy of the "corporatization" of the

BIR. We can debate about the pros and cons of "corporatization," but it

surely is not the panacea to the chronic problem of tax inefficiency.

In addition, it does not address the immediate and urgent problem of

increasing tax revenues now.


The BIR must devote more time and attention to tax administration

reforms such as the presumptive taxation on hard-to-tax income groups;

full computerization of the BIR; and the prosecution of big-time tax

evaders and corrupt high-level revenue officials.

Nevertheless, most of the gains from reforming the tax administration

will not be reaped immediately, either. In this case, tax

administration reforms have to be accompanied by more controversial

measures such as selective tax increases to achieve the goal of

financing development and reducing the budget deficit to a manageable


Increasing taxes is always unpopular, but there are indirect taxes that

enhance the principle of progressive taxation. One example is a tax on

petroleum, the main consumers of which are the rich and the middle

class. To protect the workers and the poor, a mechanism such as tax

rebates to mass transportation cooperatives can be worked out.

Recently, some legislators have accused BIR commissioner Rene Bañez of

conniving with businessman Manny Pangilinan to defraud government of

billions of pesos in revenue. The serious allegation has to be proven

convincingly. However, Mr. Bañez can blunt the attack by demonstrating

his independence from Mr. Pangilinan, who heads the Philippine Long

Distance Telephone Company. For example, the BIR

Commissioner should impose a tax on long-distance calls using pre-paid

telephone cards. This is not arbitrary; in fact it upholds equity. Long

distance calls through fixed landlines are subject to a 10 percent tax.

The use of pre-paid cards to make domestic and international

long-distance calls has been used to avoid taxes.

Another bold measure is to sharply reduce the fiscal incentives. The

huge fiscal incentives are foregone revenues. The strongest argument

against liberal fiscal incentives is that they are not the main

determinant of investment flows.

The real challenge, then, is whether the GMA administration— at this

time that its policies are being constrained by its desire to win the

forthcoming national elections—is willing to undertake the

controversial and unpopular measures.

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