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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is a Professor at the National College of Public Administration and Governance of the University of the Philippines. This article was published in the Yellow Pad column of Business World, 13 September 2004 edition.

Pork barrel projects would definitely rank among the top of the

Filipino’s list of most despised outputs of the Philippine Congress. It

is therefore not surprising to see that the abolition of the pork

barrel is raised every budget season, during periods of fiscal stress,

and in every crisis where the actions of politicians do not meet public


In the current debate on the fiscal crisis, the President has again

called on legislators to reduce their pork barrel allocation to fix the

gargantuan budget deficit (which was approximately P200B in 2003).

Senator Ping Lacson has given up his pork while at least three other

senators promised to give up their pork if their colleagues do the

same. Members of Congress have been cool to the proposal but will find

it difficult to resist at least a cut in their current pork barrel


The Attack on the Pork

Pork barrel (or pork barrel politics) is a derogatory term used to

describe government spending that is intended to enrich constituents of

a politician in return for campaign contributions or votes.

“Pork barrel” was used as a political term in the post-Civil War era in

the U.S. and found its way in the Philippines as part of the democratic

institutions and processes transplanted by American colonizers. It

comes from the plantation practice of distributing rations of salted

pork to slaves, from wooden barrels. When used to describe a bill, it

implies the legislation is loaded with special projects for legislators

to distribute to their constituents back home as an act of largesse.

However it is called—countryside development fund (CDF), congressional

initiative allocation (CIA), or priority development assistance fund

(PDAF)—pork barrel generally involves funding for programs and projects

whose economic benefits are concentrated only on a few but whose costs

are spread across all taxpayers.

The attacks on the pork have come from many quarters. Civil society

organizations and many columnists have called for its outright

abolition, arguing that Congress’ job is to legislate and not execute

or implement projects.

Bureaucrats assert that legislators should not mangle the executive

budget they produced through rational and consultative processes. Other

critics question the choice of projects identified by legislators as

piece-meal and irrational. Still others have called for the transfer of

pork barrel funds directly to local governments.

In the latest attack on the pork barrel, the Philippine Center for

Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) argues that while pork barrel funds do

provide services to constituents, they foster political patronage,

institutionalize patron-client relations, strengthen the chances of

incumbents for re-election, and engender corruption.

Democracy and Pork Barrel

Is pork barrel spending inconsistent with the principle of separation

of powers in a democratic system since members of Congress are elected

to pass laws and not implement projects? A look at the major

democracies in the world—US, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, among

others—easily disproves this point. Pork barrel is alive and well in

all major democracies in the world, and they do not suffer the same

economic maladies that we have.

Pork barrel goes hand in hand with democratic processes and

institutions. Governments all over the world use their power to tax and

spend to favor certain constituencies with special benefits.

Democratically elected officials have geographic-specific electoral

bases that they “represent” (that is why members of Congress are called

representatives) and legislator-constituency relations are often

defined in terms of providing location-specific projects like roads,

livelihood projects, courthouses, airports, and schools.

Those who argue that legislators are elected only to make laws fail to

grasp the meaning of democratic representation. Legislators articulate

the interests and demands of their constituents to the national

government. In many instances, the solutions to these problems cannot

be found in making laws but in ensuring that the needs of their

constituents are addressed. In a perfect world, executive agencies

provide these projects. In an imperfect world, pork barrel projects

meet these demands.

American political scientist Diana Evans even argues that pork barrel

facilitates legislative decision-making. She asserts that pork barrel

benefits, while reviled by many, are routinely used by political

leaders to build coalitions to pass much-needed legislation on social

welfare, health, and education. Buying votes with pork, in this

instance, enables Congress to enact laws that are contentious and

difficult to pass.


Good Pork versus Bad Pork

Should we abolish the pork and transfer all funds to the executive

branch? This contention assumes that: 1) the choices made by

legislators in the use of their PDAF are irrational and even corrupt;

and 2) that executive decision-making is more rational (and ethical)

than those of legislators.

While there is no question that there are many examples of “bad pork”

(such as a former senator who built nothing but basketball courts, or a

movie actor-turned- congressman who constructed road humps all over his

district) there are also many innovative PDAF projects that fulfill

constituency needs but get poor press.

Examples of “good pork” are numerous. Senate Presidents Drilon’s

collaboration with the Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (FCCC) has

reduced the price of constructing a two-room school building from

P700,000 (Department of Public Works and Highways cost) to P350,000

(FCCC cost). Drilon has put P205M of his PDAF in this initiative,

effectively doubling the number of school buildings constructed using

government funds.

Senate Minority Leader Nene Pimentel has given PDAF funds to the U.P.

to train some 350 SUC (state universities and colleges) student council

presidents and editors-in-chief on leadership and legislative advocacy;

award outstanding local government leaders, recognize cooperatives-LGUs

(local government units) partnerships, and sponsor workshops on

federalism, tax reforms, party list representation, and globalization.

Senator Juan Flavier used P300M of his PDAF to complete the

construction of the Baguio General Hospital and P65M in a

LandBank-administered credit program for cooperatives and a scholarship

program for students in the 20 poorest provinces of the Philippines.

And former Negros Oriental congressman, now LandBank President

Margarito Teves used his pork barrel to provide incentives to mayors

who implemented successful family planning programs.

Do these projects promote political patronage and corruption? No. Would

regular government agencies implement these types of projects if funds

were given exclusively to them? No! In these instances, the abolition

or transfer of the PDAF would result in overpriced government services,

the non-completion of vital infrastructure, or the neglect of projects

that executive agencies routinely disregard because these do not fall

within their priorities.

Pork Barrel and the IRA

Abolishing the pork barrel will have a disastrous effect on many local

communities where a legislator’s pork barrel project is often the only

capital investment in the area. Pork barrel projects in 5th and 6th

class municipalities—road construction, repair of day care centers,

schools, and barangay halls, livelihood projects—provide employment and

much-needed infrastructure.

The budget of these LGUs can barely pay for salaries and operating

expenses, and their needs tend to fall out of the radar screen of

national and provincial authorities. A reduction in the pork barrel—

coupled with a reduction in their IRA (Internal Revenue Allotment), as

GMA has proposed, will be disastrous to poor communities.

Presidential Imperialism

Finally, PDAF abolition or reduction will further exacerbate executive

dominance over Congress. Under the present system, the President,

through the Deparment of Budget and Management (DBM), controls the

release of PDAF funds through the issuance of SAROs (Special Allotment

Release Orders) and NCAs (Notices of Cash Allocation) and

administration allies tend to get their releases faster than those in

the opposition.

Members of the House are most vulnerable to executive pressure because

any delay in the PDAF release can jeopardize projects promised to their

constituents. Senators can be more independent because their

electability is not anchored exclusively on serving constituency needs.

Abolishing the pork barrel will further weaken legislative-executive

checks-and-balances and tilt the balance of power to create an Imperial


Reforming the Pork Barrel through Transparent and Accountable Practices

The solution to the pork barrel issue is not abolition but greater

transparency, accountability and rationality in its utilization. What

can be done?

1. Promote greater transparency in the use of the pork barrel funds by

requiring projects to be listed in publicly available reports through

the internet and print media. Sunshine is still the best disinfectant

for wasteful government spending. Transparency and accountability can

be required through a resolution passed by each chamber of Congress,

the exercise of legislative leadership by the Speaker and Senate

President, and the observance of the freedom of information provision

of the Constitution;

2. Form advocacy and watchdog groups that will monitor public spending

and force government to open public documents for scrutiny. Groups like

Citizens Against Government Waste ( and Taxpayers for

Common Sense ( have successfully monitored pork barrel

spending in the US. In the Philippines, the USAID-initiated Transparent

Accountable Governance project ( has data on aggregate

pork barrel spending. Unfortunately, it does not track the type of

projects implemented by legislators, making it impossible to identify

“bad pork” versus “good pork.” The neutrality or independence of some

of the partners and implementing agencies is also questionable since

they themselves are beneficiaries of pork barrel projects;

3. Reform-minded legislators can take the cue from U.S. Senator John

McCain whose website has a special page called

“pork barrel spending” that lists questionable pork projects. They can

then link up with watchdog groups to ensure access to government

documents on pork barrel spending; and

4. Enact a Freedom of Information (FOI) law similar to those in Sweden,

US, Canada, and the EU that gives citizens the right to see public

records and requires public disclosure of government transactions. In

the Philippines, Action for Economic Reforms has been collaborating

with reformist legislators for a law on the citizens’ right to public


If we adopt at least one of these suggestions, the public would have a

better appreciation of the pork barrel. Then the President would be

forced to find better ways to plug the deficit, as well as

intelligently and bravely address the chronic problems of the economy.

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