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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is currently a professor in the Department of Economics of the Ateneo de Manila University, and was the secretary of Socioeconomic Planning and NEDA director-general throughout the Ramos administration.

Time and again, it is often asserted that the policies for social and

economic development espoused in our Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) are generally sound – but it is in implementation where we fall apart. A key function of governance is the effective translation

of policies and strategies embodied in the nation’s development plan into tangible actions by the various players in society, both in and out of the government. But alas, governance is precisely where the previous administration went wrong.

The Estrada MTPDP addressed three aspects of governance: administrative

governance, economic governance and political governance. The first

concerns the efficiency and effectiveness of the bureaucracy, and the

plan strategies include streamlining, compensation reform, capacity

building, application of IT, and gender sensitivity and ethics.

Economic governance strategies include improvement in the public

expenditures management system, expanded privatization, focusing

government on eight core functions, and enhancing government

responsiveness to the poor. A key omission from this list is stronger

corporate governance, particularly as made imperative by the lessons

learned from the Asian financial crisis.

Government must now define more closely the parameters for such

corporate governance, to ensure that the vulnerabilities exposed during

the crisis will be avoided in the future. These include defining the

regulation of international financial flows, roles and accountabilities

of corporate directors, and stronger prudential rules on the banking

system, among other things.

Strategies to enhance political governance include eliminating graft

and corruption, improving peace and order and the justice system,

deepening devolution, institutionalizing participatory governance

mechanisms, and political and electoral reforms. Notably, the Estrada

Plan stopped short of identifying transparency as a guiding principle

of governance, even as accountability is asserted as one such

principle. Transparency is mentioned in passing, but only in the

context of devolution. This is a glaring omission, especially in the

aftermath of a government fraught with alleged secret deals and

nefarious transactions on the part of high-ranking officials right from

the very top. Transparency and accountability should go hand in hand.

Having these firmly in place minimizes the need for regulation and

controls (i.e. bureaucratic red tape), which when excessive stifles

innovation and creativity both in the public and private sectors.

Transparency is also important in facilitating working partnerships

with civil society and the private sector. One particular application

of this principle is in the devolution of development projects and

corresponding funds to local government units. Government is likely to

be more efficient and effective in delivering development projects, if

National Government departments and agencies (NGAs) channel a greater

(or even the greater) part of their development resources, including

ODA-funded projects, through the LGUs.

One compelling argument for this is the perennial experience where

central government agencies are able to expend only 70%-80% of their

annual budgets year after year, finding themselves in a rush to spend

money – usually recklessly – in the final month of the year. The record

is even worse for foreign-funded projects, where only 60%-70% is spent

on the average.

The situation is likely to be different if the NGAs would enter into

agreements with LGUs for the latter to implement their projects – and

handle the budgets themselves. Here we refer to resources beyond those

already devolved by law through the internal revenue allotment (IRA).

An important argument for this is that local executives and officials,

especially in consultation with nongovernment groups, are likely to be

in a much better position to understand the specific needs of their

localities, where certain facilities would best be located, and so on.

Thus, development projects are likely to be more responsive to actual

needs if devolved in this manner.

Not a few worry that this would court the risk of greater leakages from

public funds through graft and corruption, perhaps on the (debatable)

premise that local officials are more prone to misuse of public funds.

This is where transparency will be critical. For as long as information

on the kinds and amounts of devolved projects and funds is made widely

available and accessible, especially to local citizen groups, the

likelihood for funds misuse can be minimized. It is much easier for

local “watchdog” NGOs to monitor utilization of public funds put under

the control of specific governors and mayors than it is for national

NGOs to watch over aggregate project funds in the hands of central

offices of NGAs.

The key is to make it publicly known what and how much funds have been

channeled into whose control, and what these funds are supposed to be

used for. This is one important context within which government and

nongovernment groups working together can effect greater efficiency and

effectiveness in the pursuit of development all over the country.

Equally important is the need to formalize more mechanisms to foster

the trisectoral partnership among government, civil society and the

private sector from the national down to the community levels. At the

national level, multi-stakeholder policy bodies like the Philippine

Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) and the National

Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) permit active participation of the

nongovernment sectors in policy making. At the regional level, the

Regional Development Councils (RDCs) provide the forum for

nongovernment participation in setting development directions at that

level of governance.

The MTPDP rightly asserts that governance is not a concern of

government alone. Governance should be a trisectoral partnership. It is

only by asserting this that the fundamental principles of transparency,

accountability, responsibility and professionalism can be best upheld

and operationalized. Under a new government that has been ushered in

through strong civil society action, expectations are high that these

principles will now be paramount in defining the conduct of governance

and politics in the country.


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