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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is coordinator and member of the Management Collective of Action for Economic Reforms, a policy research and advocacy nongovernmental organization focused on macroeconomic policy and governance issues.

It is now a cliche to say that overseas Filipino workers (OFWs)

contribute significantly to the Philippine economy. That such statement

has become a cliche, however, does not diminish but only underscores

the OFWs’ role in the Philippine economy.

A look at the data easily bears this out. Official statistics show that

OFW remittance through formal channels amounted to $5.272 billion in

2001. This amount was equivalent to 6.9% of the 2001 gross national

product (computed by using the average exchange rate of the Bangko

Sentral ng Pilipinas in buying dollars). The total amount of OFW

remittances in 2001 was also more than half (57%) of government

consumption. Likewise, said amount of OFW remittance was nearly half

(48 percent) of the agriculture and fishery contribution to national

output. It is a credible estimate that the total amount of OFWs

remittance would reach between $8 billion and $10 billion, if the

computation included transfers through informal means.

Arguably, labor migration’s greatest impact is on employment; it has

alleviated the country’s serious unemployment and underemployment

problem, which taken together accounts for a fourth of the total work

force. According to the Commission on Filipinos Overseas, the total

number of overseas Filipinos was 7.41 million as of December 2001. OFWs

constituted 41% (3.05 million) of the total. There were 2.74 million

permanent residents, and the rest (1.62 million) was made up of

undocumented overseas Filipinos. OFWs outnumber the employed persons in

major industries including 1) manufacturing; 2) construction; 3)

transport, storage and communication; 4) public administration and

defense, compulsory social security; and 5) education. Only in two

industrial categories, namely: 1) agriculture, hunting and forestry and

2) wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and

personal household goods do the employed workers exceed the number of


The number of processed and deployed OFWs steadily increased from 1990

to 2001. In 1990, the number of processed OFWs was 598,769, and in

2001, the number of processed OFWs, based on preliminary estimates,

reached 760,985. In terms of deployment, 446,095 OFWs were deployed in

1990. In 2001, the number increased by almost two-fold (866,590

deployed OFWs).

Notwithstanding the immense contributions of OFWs to the Philippine

economy, the predominant view among many development workers in civil

society, including those working in OFW organizations, is that labor

migration is an artificial solution to the country’s economic woes.

Take this statement from a nongovernmental organization that deals with

issues concerning OFWs: “Since 1975, OFWs were used as a solution to

address the series of economic crises.” Similarly, the government is

being criticized for its deliberate policy to export labor. This

criticism is valid insofar as the government treats OFWs as mere

instruments to buoy up the economy at the same time that it becomes

complacent in pushing for the hard reforms that address the underlying

causes of Philippine underdevelopment.

It is likewise disturbing that the deployment of Filipino workers has

led to negative social consequences especially in relation to the

family -physical separation, broken marriages, neglect of children, etc.

Despite this, one must not jump into the conclusion that labor

migration is an artificial or a “quick-fix” solution. Even as we

acknowledge the problems arising from labor migration, we need to

highlight the benefits that can be gained from it.

More to the point, the maximum benefits from the movement of workers

abroad have yet to be realized. The common view is that OFWs shore up a

weak economy. What has been overlooked, however, is how labor migration

can help put in place long-term growth and development.

There is unanimity in policy formulation and public opinion that the

Philippines must sustain higher levels of investments and growth over a

long period. The correlation between sustained growth on the one hand

and job creation and poverty reduction on the other hand is firmly


In this regard, labor migration is an advantage for a poor or

developing country like the Philippines towards deriving maximum

economic benefits in conjunction with its implementation of an

appropriate growth and development strategy. To put it another way, a

development-oriented labor migration policy can be designed to

supplement a national reform agenda that will catalyze growth.

Labor migration cannot be the basis of a national development strategy,

but it can be a component in the pursuit of the strategy.

To reiterate, the Philippines, as well as other developing countries

with a big number of overseas workers, have yet to capture the largest

possible economic gains from labor migration. Dani Rodrik in Feasible

Globalizations (2002) even argues that the possible gains from all

those World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations (e.g., market access

for exports of developing countries, removal of agricultural subsidies

by rich countries, etc.) in the so-called development round would pale

in comparison to the potential gains from the international movement of


A basic economics principle explains this: the larger the price

differentials of goods or services across national markets, the much

larger in exponential terms are the income gains from international

trade. Technically, this is formulated as follows: income gains from

international trade increasing with the square of the price

differentials. In Rodrik’s estimate, the price differentials for goods

and financial assets have narrowed to a ratio of 2-to-1 as a result of


However, in relation to labor services, Rodrik estimates that the wages

of workers for the same jobs in the highest-income countries and

low-income countries can differ by a factor of 10 or even more. (Note

that more than 60% of overseas Filipinos are located in the highly

advanced economies in North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia. They

have much to gain from the wide differentials even if the ratio in the

case of some rich countries vis-a-vis the Philippines would be less

than 10 to 1. As an illustration, the nonagriculture minimum wage in

Metro Manila is equivalent to $5.23 for an eight-hour working day

compared to the federal minimum wage of $42.20 for an eight-hour

working day in the US.) To apply the formula above, the benefits to

poor countries from labor mobility can be 25 times larger than what can

be obtained from the mobility of goods and capital.

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