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Action for Economic Reforms

The author is the associate chairperson and director for Graduate Studies Program, Department of Economics, Ateneo De Manila University.

In a typical academic discussion, the Neo-Classical Growth Model starts

by discussing the production function. In layman’s terms, as capital

equipment per person increases, productivity per person increases.

Ultimately, income per person increases.

After the production function, the discussion shifts to the derivation

of the “steady state” level. This derivation has to do with the amount

of money that is invested on capital equipment and the depreciation of

value of capital equipment due to wear and tear. With investment, the

value of total capital increases. The available equipment per person

increases. The average productivity of workers improves. So income per

person increases. With depreciation, value of capital wears out. The

available equipment per person decreases. The average productivity

deteriorates. So income per person decreases.

If money invested is greater than depreciation, equipment per person

increases. Average productivity improves. And income per person

increases. Unfortunately, the increase of income does not continue

forever. When equipment increases, the cost of maintaining them

increases too. So eventually cost of depreciation catches up with

investment until the two equal.

If money invested is less than depreciation, the opposite occurs. That

is equipment per person decreases. Average productivity and income per

person decrease. Fortunately, the decrease does not continue forever.

When equipment decreases, the cost of maintaining them decreases too.

So eventually, cost of depreciation is caught by investment until the

two equal.

When the two equal, the value of equipment is constant. So equipment

per person is constant. Average productivity is constant. And income

per person is at steady state. In conclusion, regardless of where the

economy starts, investment is bound to equal depreciation, and income

is destined to approach a constant level called the steady state level.

But what if investment equals depreciation and the two happen to be

zero? For most discussions, economists assume that capital equipment is

never zero. Understandably, zero capital equipment and infrastructure

never occurs in developed countries and so economists never ponder of

such a condition. But in a developing country, this is common. Take

Basilan for example. Knowing that the economy is so poor, the average

income must be close to zero. As result, there is no market to sell

one’s products. Investors do not even dare think of investing there. So

investment is zero. Add the fact that capital infrastructure is almost

zero. Then there is no capital that will depreciate to start with. So

depreciation is also zero.

By Neo-Classical paradigm, investment equals depreciation equals zero.

Capital equipment per person is constant at zero. Average productivity

per person is constant at almost zero. Income per person is at steady

state of almost zero. And since the economy is at steady state, the

standard of living is stuck at absolute poverty!

So this leaves us to the question: what do we do about this? Private

investment would surely get Basilan out of this hole. But this is

granted that someone is dumb enough or philanthropic enough or both to

invest in such a market. I myself would not suggest my clients to put

money in Basilan. And with fairness, they should not because their

profit motive will likely fail.

This leaves us with government investment. By government investment, we

do not refer to building infrastructures for Basilan by the Marines or

by American engineers. Rather, the infrastructure must be for Basilan

by Basilenos. When government investment fund comes in, the fund must

be used to hire residents to build infrastructures. This generates jobs

and income for residents. The take home income generates savings,

however, little it is. The little savings results to little investment

to build little capital equipment. Little equipment leads to little

maintenance cost. But since the little investment is greater than the

little depreciation, the value of equipment, then equipment per person,

then productivity, and then income per person increases. Eventually,

the economy gets out of absolute poverty threshold. Come to think of

it, the solution is Neo-Classical!

But this has to be complemented by peace and order. Granted that

government implements the Neo-Classical solution, a negative shock due

to terrorism can destroy every little capital infrastructure built. If

this happens, investment, capital and depreciation go back to zero. And

the economy goes back to the absolute poverty threshold. In other

words, military muscle should match government investment.

In sum, Neo-Classical analysis and facts show that Basilan is stuck in

a poverty threshold and that there is no inherent economic force that

can pull the place out of the hole. The private investors are not

likely to help because it just does not make profit sense to do so.

This leaves us with government to do the investment for “Basilan by

Basilenos” – the Neo-Classical solution. Added to this, military muscle

must match government investment to avoid negative shocks. That is:

classical power must complement Neo-Classical finesse.

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