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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is coordinator and member of the management collective of Action for Economic Reforms, a policy research and advocacy NGO focused on macroeconomic policy and governance issues.

The biggest obstacle to obtaining the maximum benefits from labor

migration is the restrictive policy regime of the highly developed

countries on labor inflow. Dani Rodrik, a Professor at the Kennedy

School of Government in Harvard University, has likewise criticized the

asymmetry in the adoption of global rules. The rich countries and the

multilateral institutions they control have heavily favored the

liberalization of trade and capital flows. But they have remained

silent on the liberalization of labor flows.

The reduction of barriers to labor migration or the further relaxation

of labor migration rules also reduces the transaction costs of overseas

workers. No longer will applicants be desperate to rely on fixers and

unscrupulous recruiters to get overseas jobs. The number of

undocumented or TNT (tago-ng-tago) workers will likewise decline.

Furthermore, the easing of barriers creates positive conditions for

alleviating some of the social problems faced by overseas workers. The

liberalization of the international movement of people will facilitate

the visits or temporary residence of family members in the host

country. It will also accelerate the recognition of rights and

enhancement of benefits of overseas workers, enabling them to have

longer leaves or vacations, thus giving them the opportunity to spend

more time with their loved ones or visit their homeland without fear of

being denied re-entry to the host country.

Of course, the design of the policy and rules governing the easing of

labor mobility—at the global level and at the level of the home

countries and host countries—is crucial. The policy makers must pay

attention to putting in place innovative systems, including the

incentive and disincentive arrangements, to see to it that labor

mobility will benefit everyone—the workers, the employers, the home

country and the host country.

A particular challenge is to set up the mechanisms for the OFWs and

their remittances to contribute to the home country’s goal of

sustaining growth and attaining social development. The key question is

how to encourage or attract the OFWs to return to their homeland,

bringing with them spillover benefits such as new knowledge, new

techniques, and a modern, progressive culture. If appropriate steps are

not taken, the situation could well reach that point in which the

continued outflow of workers without the prospect of their eventual

return—that is, the draining of human resources—would be harmful to

growth and development.

Rodrik has outlined some of these innovative measures. Examples that

are relevant to the Philippines include: 1) the increased allocation by

host governments of temporary work permits for both skilled and

unskilled workers, equivalent to a tolerable percentage of their

workforce; 2) the rotation of temporary contracts to distribute the

income gains to a larger number of workers, and 3) a forced saving

scheme under the individual account of the worker in which the saved

earnings, including interest payments, will be released to the worker

upon her return to the home country. The forced savings will serve not

only as resources for the reintegration of the returning worker but

also as an enlargement of the resources that the domestic economy can

mobilize for productive investments.

Arguably, the best incentive for the OFWs to return is for the

Philippines to make an economic turnaround –having high levels of

investments and job-creating growth. South Korea’s experience is an

example; it had significant labor outflows, but the turning point of

sustained growth gave way to reverse migration.

The objective of reducing the barriers to labor flows and the

enhancement of labor mobility is not a pipe dream. The problem is

mainly political, but the political constraints can be changed. The

constituencies for labor mobility advocacy in the rich countries exist

though difficult to identify at the start. In the first place, a market

for labor migrants in these countries obviously exists. And in the

particular case of Filipinos, the steady increase in the number of

those who have become permanent residents or citizens in the rich

countries has enhanced their political clout.

It is high time the Philippine government took the lead in championing

labor mobility. And it is also high time that Philippine NGOs

emphasized the enormous potential benefits from a well-crafted policy

on labor mobility. At the same time, towards obtaining the best outcome

for the Filipino people, especially the poor, we all have to reaffirm

the central task of having a country-specific strategy that will spur

and sustain investments and growth.


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