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PH3D Endline Report is Out


During the launch of the Data-Driven Development in the Philippines (PH3D) project, the main objective was to champion data-driven approaches to policy making. Specifically, we aimed to promote a more data-reliant culture in local governance through improving data processes of collection, management and analytics. Part of this is building capacity, changing perceptions and establishing practices for data-driven decision-making. Now, at the end of the project, we reflect on whether the objectives we initially set for ourselves were met.

The online survey captures LGU partners’ knowledge and perceptions of their organization’s data policies and practices. The RDAT measures the data maturity of LGUs through a list of specific indicators. The data audit is a “mystery shopper” exercise where we send auditors to the LGU partners to evaluate their data processes without their knowledge. We explain the methods and results of each in the succeeding sections.

To evaluate our performance, we use three different data-driven approaches: (1) online survey, (2) Rapid Data Assessment Tool (RDAT), and (3) data audit.

Download the full report below:

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