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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is currently the economic policy adviser for the Supreme National Economic Council of the Office of the Prime Minister of Cambodia.

The Human Development Report (HDR) 2002 – released by the United

Nations Development Programme on July 24, 2002 – says that the

Philippines’ performance in meeting the first “Millennium Development

Goal” of halving the proportion of people suffering from hunger to be

“far behind” its national targets.

This is absolutely mortifying.

Looking Back

In the ’60s and ’70s, the Philippines led many other countries in

meeting the food and nutrition needs of its people. The Philippines was

one of the early adopters of the green revolution technology, and also

invested heavily in supporting infrastructure – the “rice and roads”

programs under president Ferdinand Marcos.

Since the early 1980s, the Philippines has fallen behind, despite an

all-too-brief spurt in food security capacity in the late 1980s and

early 1990s.

HDR 2002 reports that the Philippines’ neighboring countries in the

ASEAN – Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar – are all “on

track” in meeting their food security targets.

Only a decade ago, the people of Vietnam and Cambodia were on the brink of starvation.

Now Vietnam is one of the world’s top three exporters of rice – along with Thailand and the US.

The Philippines is the largest customer of Vietnam’s rice exports.

Sometimes the Philippines unknowingly imports Cambodian rice that has been exported through Vietnam.

Rice is expensive in the Philippines

Filipino consumers suffer rice prices that are double to triple those borne by Thai or Vietnamese households.

Similarly, Filipino rice farmers incur, on the average, costs of production double to triple that of Thai or Vietnamese farmers.

The gap in consumer price and producer cost between the Philippines on

the high side, and Thailand and Vietnam on the low side has been

growing since the mid-1980s.

In recent weeks, the retail price of regular-milled rice in the major

Manila wet markets was about P17 per kilo. In peso terms, for the same

quality of rice, Vietnamese households pay only P6 per kilo, while Thai

households pay P7.60 per kilo.

The cheapest rice in the Philippine market is regular-milled rice sold

at P14 per kilo by the NFA in its relatively few “rolling stores.” Yet

in the most depressed areas, the NFA’s stocks are not fully sold,

indicating that even P14 is expensive to the very poor!

Recent survey data show that on the average, it costs Filipino farmers

P7.45 to produce a kilo of paddy (unhusked rice). In comparison, as of

the mid-1990s, Filipino farmers spent P5.71 to produce a kilo of paddy

while Vietnamese farmers spent only P2.33 per kilo and Thai farmers

P4.30 per kilo.

Shortsighted agricultural policies

It looks like Filipino households and farmers will continue to be disadvantaged in prices and costs into the near future.

This is especially true given current policies and programs in the

Philippine rice sector and the current and anticipated levels of

agricultural productivity, given the inherent cycles of agricultural


The Philippine government continues to cling to a policy that equates rice self-sufficiency with food security.

Thus, the government retains its monopoly of all international trade in

rice, exercised through the National Food Authority (NFA). This,

despite the clear evidence that the NFA has been wasteful and

ineffective, serving only very few farmers and consumers and losing

between P7 and P8 for each kilo of paddy it handles.

The result of these shortsighted agricultural policies is expensive

rice for consumers, distorted incentives for farmers and much waste of

scarce government resources.

Another result is rampant rice smuggling.

Price differentials are the root cause of smuggling. Rice prices in the

Philippines are so much higher than rice prices from exporting

countries like Vietnam and Thailand. It is particularly profitable to

smuggle rice into the country, despite the risks of being caught and

penalized. There is little scope for improving enforcement, given the

weakness of the enforcement mechanisms and institutions and the fact

that authorities have many other concerns to worry about – such as the

Abu Sayyaf.

Finally – the painful result of such policies is serious malnutrition – especially of the young.

Deepening hunger and malnutrition

Cross-country evidence shows that Filipinos eat much less rice when compared with its neighbors at similar income levels.

Filipinos consume 95 kilos of rice per capita per year. This comes to

about 260 grams of milled rice – or about three cups of milled rice per

day – or a cup of milled rice per meal.

In sharp contrast, the Vietnamese consume up to 165 kilos of rice per

capita per year, Cambodians 169 kilos, Indonesians 149 kilos, and the

citizens of Myanmar eat as much as 213 kilos of rice per capita per


Even more telling than simply consumption are recent findings from nutrition surveys.

The nutritional status of children is tracked by the National Nutrition

Surveys (NNS) of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute. These

surveys indicate that the incidence of child malnutrition has been

quite high and even worsened between 1993 and 1998.

In 1993, some 8.4% of all children zero to six years old were

underweight, 5.6% were stunted, and 6.2% were wasted. However, the 1998

NNS found 9.3% of all children aged 0-5 to be underweight, and 7.2% to

be wasted.

A principal cause of malnutrition is low calorie intake. Even as early

as 1993 it was already determined that in general, Filipinos had access

to only 88% of their Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in caloric


The basic source of calories in the Filipino diet is rice, and thus low

calorie intake is associated with low rice consumption. In the last 10

years domestic rice retail prices have increased relatively rapidly,

undoubtedly leading to reduced consumption, especially among the

less-able family members.

Certainly, the high prices of rice have contributed to low levels of

consumption of rice and consequent worsening of nutritional status.

Welfare losses due to distortionary agricultural policies

A distinguishing feature of contemporary Thai and Vietnamese cost of

living is very cheap food – relative to the Philippines. This has

become increasingly evident since the 1980s as Vietnam and Thailand

adopted market-oriented economic policies and invested heavily in their

agriculture and rural sectors.

If Filipino households had access to rice at the same prices as

Vietnamese or Thai households, their welfare would be improved


For illustrative purposes, a Filipino household of six (two adults and

four children) consumes 570 kilos of rice per year. At the prevailing

Philippine prices, this translates into a rice expenditure budget for

the Filipino family of about P10,000 per year. However, at Vietnamese

prices, the budget required is only P3,500, implying a savings of

P6,500 per year! Such savings can be allocated to more rice or more

food in general.

Good nutrition and good health, arising from access to food at

undistorted prices, whether or not produced in the Philippines. This is

the true measure of food security.


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