Philippine Institutions: Growth and Prosperity for All
To quote the Harvard economist Dani Rodrik, “institutions rule.” The evidence is overwhelming that the quality of institutions predicts long-term growth and prosperity.
The rebuilding of institutions is critical to the task of administration of Benigno Aquino III. The commitment of President Aquino to fight corruption and promote good governance is essentially a question of rebuilding institutions.
Philippine Institutions: Growth and Prosperity for All tackles not only the definition of institutions or the rules of the game, not only the state of the Philippine economy and politics, but more importantly what key reforms can be done and how policies can shape institutions.
In this volume, former Philippine Economics Society president Michael Alba discusses the link between institutions and long-term growth while Joseph Lim of Ateneo de Manila University asks why the Philippines is a laggard in East Asia. In the chapter Pinoy Paradoxes in the Rule of Law, former UP Law Dean Raul Pangalangan explores Filipinos’ confusion in their conception of the rule of law. In view of recent experience, lawyers Nepomuceno Malaluan and Solomon Lumba look at how to check the abuse of presidential powers. The chapter by Galing Pook’s Eddie Dorotan tells of LGU success stories and talks of building an archipelago of good governance.
Regulatory reforms, agrarian reform, fiscal policy, exchange rate policy, food security, education reforms, labor migration, and regional integration are also tackled in the volumes’ other chapters. The other contributors are Gilberto Llanto, Eduardo Gonzales, Maita Gomez, Yusuf Abu-Bakr Ledesma, Jessica Reyes-Cantos, Rene Raya, Rene Ofreneo and Jenina Joy Chavez. (Click here to get a complete list of the chapters.)
The book is published by Action for Economic Reforms with the support of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and edited by Filomeno Sta. Ana III.
To order a copy, please call (02) 426-5626 and look for Mylyn Cuevas or send us an email at The book is also available at National Bookstore.