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Action for Economic Reforms

The International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) is a network of international and Indonesian non-governmental organizations working in the field of advocacy for a just and democratic development in Indonesia.

INFID believes that the reconstruction of Aceh and North Sumatra resulting from the December 26, 2004 Tsunami disaster is reaching a crucial point. This is particularly true for the release of the Master Plan for Aceh Reconstruction by the Government of Indonesia that was prepared without adequate consultation with the affected people and the civil society in those regions. To ensure that the reconstruction is effective and in line with the needs, rights, and wishes of the affected people, it is important to set out recommendations for the reconstruction process for all involved – governments, inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, community and other civil society. Reconstruction is understood as the physical reconstruction, rehabilitation of livelihoods, medical and post-traumatic treatment, and all forms of strengthening civil society.

  1. The world community has responded to the Tsunami with enormous

  2. Those undertaking reconstruction projects or activities, whether

  3. Aggression by all parties must be ended and steps taken toward a peaceful and equitable settlement of conflicts.

  4. The reconstruction and rehabilitation work must be demilitarized.

  5. As a priority, the Government of Indonesia’s Master Plan for

  6. No coordination plan or other restrictions by military or other

  7. All reconstruction work should be designed in a way to ensure

  8. Displaced persons should not be obliged to live in centralized

  9. Orphans, widows, and the elderly should receive protection and

  10. The government should develop appropriate mechanisms to establish

  11. The debt burden of the Republic of Indonesia needs to be

  12. Reconstruction and development must be equitable over all of Aceh

  13. Reconstruction activities must not be misused to cover up economic activities for private profit.

  14. Access to areas in need of reconstruction should be open to all

  15. The Government of Indonesia should provide political and

  16. Reconstruction efforts will necessarily put pressure on natural

  17. Peaceful and participative conflict resolution efforts should be

Filomeno S. Sta. Ana III, coordinator of Action for Economic Reforms, is a trustee of INFID

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