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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is a professor (on leave) at the UP School of Economics. His currently a consultant for United Nations Development Programme in New York.

There are three main factors that caused the decline of development economics, especially during the 1980s and 1990s. These are:

  1. The hegemony of the neoclassical noninterventionist and

  2. The core of development economic theories did not employ the

  3. A third reason which we should not ignore is the entry in the

Based on the above factors, it is clear that the revival of development

economics should be outside the paradigm and methodology set by the

dominant mainstream economics and towards new paradigms and new

methodologies so much needed in modern economics. I would not be so

radical as to advocate a complete cutoff from all mainstream

practitioners of economics, and a rejection of all their theories and

methodologies. There are many things to learn from the works of good

economists (of different ideologies) who have left some imprint in

mainstream economics. Keynes, Hayek, Tobin, and the more modern (and

therefore more controversial) economists like Oliver Williamson, Mancur

Olson, Amartya, Sen. Douglas North, Joseph Stiglitz and Dani Rodrik.

Let me set down some prerequisites of the new development economics.

Many of the writers of the old development economics had a historical

context and took into consideration the institutions, socio-cultural

values and practices and governance structures within which their

economic model or theories were situated.

However, these theories were presented in the old development economics

literature in a neoclassical fashion: as timeless, static, a historical

theories not situated in a particular historical context and


One can, of course, kill development theories easily if they are so

general as to apply to all cases regardless of institutions, setting,

historical environment and the like.

The danger that any new approach must guard against is that of

generalizing too much. When we say that a developmental state is the

best, we must focus on the interventions but definitely not ignore (as

the neoclassicals do) the institutional, political, social, values and

governance factors in that historical place and time, which may or may

not allow the development strategy to succeed.

It would be a big boost to the new development economics if the

economics is blended in with the social, cultural, political and

institutional setting and environment, so that the possibilities for

change and development are clearly defined. In this respect, we need to

interact with political science, sociology, anthropology, psychology,

and the legal profession.

A corollary to this is that we shouldn’t fall into the neoclassical

trap of distinguishing markets with everything else, so that we become

anti-market in the real sense of not wanting to improve the

commodities, labor and capital markets of Third World countries. Thus

we see some of us resisting China’s or Vietnam’s use of better economic

incentives on the grounds that they are “market” devices.

As Polanyi said a long time ago, the market system cannot exist in a

vacuum. The quality of the market is only as good as the quality of the

institutions and governance structures wherein it is situated and

wherein it is guided.

A good occurrence in modern mainstream economic theory is that at long

last, it has caught up with what people in the streets long knew – that

markets are imperfect and that markets often fail to distribute

resources efficiently and fairly. This would be obvious in the more

modern studies on the pharmaceutical and drugs markets, the labor

markets, the financial markets (especially after the Asian crisis), and

environmental protection. One can include all types of markets – from

food to education to housing to futures markets. It is easy to find

market imperfections in all these markets, and to show these

imperfections has become the rule rather than the exception. But it is

rarely said that the ability to deal with these problems rest with the

quality of institutions and governance structures (which includes

information dissemination, quality control, fair arbitration,

enforcement of contracts, proper punishment and the like).

It is inherent for the workings of markets to include interventions and

threats of interventions. Ensuring the scales of the wet market are not

biased, punishing suppliers who cheat and sell inferior products,

consumer group formations and watchdogs, all these are proper

interventions in the market and actually determine the quality of the



On a more macro level, history has confirmed the theories of great

economists like Marx and Keynes who said that the market system by

itself does not automatically bring “equilibrium” and “full employment.”

In fact, uncertainty, changing moods, and varying confidence levels

bring to the market a lot of volatility and instability. And world

markets are often the ones that create these volatility and

instability, as proven by the East Asian crisis and all other previous

economic and financial crises.

To lift demand and confidence in the system, the correct intervention

by the state is required. Also required are strong conflict management

capabilities and institutions for social insurance and safety nets so

that the system – when beset by crisis – will not descend into chaos

and anarchy and produce extreme human suffering. Are the institutions

and governance structures capable of delivering these? These are

perhaps more basic questions before the identification of economic

policies can be tackled.

Going more to the global setting, most practical people, including the

more enlightened international trade economists, accept the fact that

export markets will offer more advantages if one goes into higher

value-added and higher technology products (even promotion of

agricultural exports entail a lot of biotechnology and productivity

enhancement). This requires critical directing of the export market

(learning by doing) and promotion of research and development.

Again we should not fall into the neoclassical trap of prescribing

exclusive concentration either on export markets or the domestic

market. The two are important components of the economy. Export

receipts may be vital especially for Third World countries that are

import dependent and have high current account deficits due to the lack

of capital goods and intermediate sectors. Financing foreign exchange

requirements via export receipts would be better than financing them by

short-term debts or by multilateral loans with tons of

conditionalities. At the same time, one sees the folly of relying only

on export markets and neglecting the domestic market, as is obvious in

the current trend of slowing world exports and possible world

recession. We should, therefore, be at ease with the South Korean

miracle of promoting key exports while, at the same time, protecting

and enhancing the domestic market and economy.

On a long-term basis, access to best practices and technology transfer

requires some knowledge and experience with key products sold in the

international markets. (The modern economic histories of Japan, Taiwan

and South Korea attest to this.) Again here, the level and the quality

of institutions and governance structures determine whether the

directing and guidance of the export and domestic markets would be


Third World nations’ ability to benefit from the export and

international markets depends on the international world trade setting.

Unfortunately, however, this is dominated by developed countries.

Attempts of Third World countries to participate fully and benefit from

international trade (and not to be adversely affected by it) becomes a

struggle with international institutions such as the World Trade

Organization multilateral agencies and the developed countries’

hypocritical policies of protection for us and openness for you.

Finally, the East Asian crisis has proven conclusively that capital

account liberalization, particularly to short-term flows, is akin to

opening your home to drug pushers. One need not argue whether we should

supervise or regulate them (akin to the financial supervision and

regulation strategy of the International Monetary Fund) or just ban

them outright. But again, for the unfortunate countries that have

unwittingly opened up their capital accounts (such as the Philippines,

Argentina, Russia), it would again depend on their institutions,

governance structures and political will on whether they can reimpose

controls and deal with potential vengeance from the multilateral

institutions and developed nations, or whether they would need regional

and international efforts to transform the global financial structure.

Given these views of markets in a historical and institutional setting

(from the micro, macro and global perspectives), intervention,

direction and guidance of markets become inherent in their efficient

workings and operations. Nonintervention in markets can only have

meaning in the most anarchic and chaotic sense. But the quality and

soundness of these markets and related institutions (and their

possibilities of contributing to economic development) depend

critically on the quality of social, political and cultural

institutions and governance structures.


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