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Action for Economic Reforms

Sta. Ana is coordinator of the NGO Action for Economic Reforms. This piece was published in the Yellow Pad column of Business World, 12 July2004 edition.

We commiserate with Dinky Soliman, for she has been sacrificed by

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) for “higher considerations.” That was

balderdash. Soliman had to be removed as Department of Social Welfare

(DSW) Secretary to accommodate Vice President Noli de Castro.

Dinky deserves sympathy even from her fiercest critics. Yes, we did

criticize her for being too loyal to her president. Well, loyalty is a

virtue, and so we have to qualify that we disliked those instances in

which she went out of her way as Social Welfare Secretary to intercede

in other delicate matters, as she acted as the president’s messenger of

bad news. She was Malacanang’s conduit to civil society—either to win

over or pacify the non-governmental organizations.

In one instance, we thought she could have fought more vigorously for

the retention of Mr. Alberto Lim in the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB).

Instead, she became GMA’s emissary to convince Mr. Lim’s supporters to

nominate someone else for the post. She was told by GMA that Mr. Lim

had tendered his resignation, a claim that was far from the truth.

Perhaps, Ms. Soliman was unaware that GMA had already appointed a

person to replace Mr. Lim. Dinky probably thought she was doing Bertie,

her comrade in the parliament of the streets, a favor. But in the end,

she could not disobey her boss.

But this was not just a matter of supporting a friend like Bertie. The

resistance to his unjustified removal from the CAB goes beyond the sake

of friendship. GMA’s decision to replace Mr. Lim had a far more

dangerous implication—that is, how shaky the position of reformers is

in the face of the power of vested interests to influence a president

to change the composition and thus affect the policies of a regulatory

body. As we have said before, the fight for Bertie Lim was a struggle

to defend the public interest.

It is indeed a tragedy that what happened to Bertie also befell Dinky.

But the circumstances differ. In Mr. Lim’s case, he was replaced for

being the nemesis of a vested interest whose support GMA badly needed;

but in Ms. Soliman’s situation, no one really asked for her head.

Serving at the pleasure of the President, Mr. Lim and Ms. Soliman

always faced the possibility of being replaced. Bertie Lim was a threat

in the sense that he would not deviate from his mandate of implementing

the liberalization reforms already embodied in law, even if this meant

unsettling the alliance between GMA and Lucio Tan.

But how on earth could Dinky Soliman be a liability to GMA? Even

Dinky’s old-time friends—dating back to their college days at the then

Institute of Social Work and Community Development of the University of

the Philippines—have been amazed at how loyal, faithful and sincere

Dinky was in serving GMA. A regret of an insider at the DSW was that

Dinky spent a lot of time and energy being GMA’s troubleshooter or

being her travel companion. In a word, Dinky was at the beck and call

of GMA, and she responded promptly and dutifully.

That she felt betrayed does not even capture the low depths that mark

the decision to replace her. But GMA’s penchant for dropping, for the

flimsiest of reasons, those who are supposedly her most reliable or

trusted friends in the Cabinet should no longer come as a surprise.

Recall how she unceremoniously removed Dante Canlas as head of the

National Economic and Development Authority even though Mr. Canlas was

presiding over a resilient economic growth. GMA’s insensitivity to Mr.

Canlas was all the more disdainful, considering that he had always been

supportive of GMA, his kabalen. Not known to many, Professor Canlas was

instrumental in GMA’s earning a Ph.D. from the University of the

Philippines School of Economics.

Like Bertie Lim, Dinky Soliman is considered a reformist, and I use the

term in a positive sense. A reformist is either admired or loathed,

depending on one’s viewpoint or ideology. The Leninists have a hostile

view of reformists and reformism, for reformists obstruct revolution.

But in tactical circumstances, communists, to include the most virulent

of the Stalinists, do not mind using reforms to advance revolutionary

goals. Dinky, on the other hand, is the type of reformist who does not

care about ideology and who sees reformism as a value in itself.

Whether Soliman’s reformism in her three years of serving the GMA

administration gained headway, should be the subject of scrutiny or

debate. What it exposes, though, is the limits of reformism under a GMA


Dinky Soliman joined GMA’s administration because she believed she

could contribute to putting in place reforms, especially given the

favorable conditions arising from EDSA 2. She represented the reformist

civil component of the EDSA 2 coalition that removed Joseph “Erap”

Estrada from the presidency and brought GMA into power. The irony is

that the cronyism, corruption, demagoguery and populism that

characterized the Estrada presidency can likewise be found in GMA’s

rule. Not even the presence of a handful of Dinky Solimans in the GMA

administration could obscure this fact.

The politics of reformism becomes dangerous in a situation where the

president or the ruling party is not a reformer. Compromises and even

retreats become the daily occurrence. The question is, where does the

reformist draw the line? Or to change the metaphor, what is the bottom

line? The social reformer Ernesto Garilao, a leading member of the

Fidel Ramos Cabinet, faced this dilemma. He once gave an unsolicited

piece of advice to Dinky: That the closer one is to the center of

power, the greater the tendency to wear blinders and thus lose sight of

the longer-term vision.

The unsuspecting reformist gets trapped in the mire of pragmatism and

opportunism. Then, he or she loses the grip to handle the contradiction

between being accountable to his or her own beliefs and to the public

interest on the one hand, and being accountable to the President on the

other. And so, for some who have reformist pretensions, the drawing

line becomes indistinguishable and the bottom line becomes bottomless.

For others—Karina Constantino-David comes to mind—the decision to

resign is not a hard choice.

Notwithstanding the criticisms against Dinky Soliman, there is no

denying that she leaves the GMA administration honorably. And, as

Today’s editorial (7 July 2004) said, in a “class act” as well, for

refusing other positions.

Let this episode serve as a rude awakening to those who still hope that

GMA can be counted on to deliver even modest reforms. The Soliman

episode indicates that for the next six years, we cannot escape from

the same kind of crass opportunism and demagoguery that bedeviled us in

the last three years and in previous administrations.

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