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Action for Economic Reforms

The privatization path that the Philippine power sector has taken since

the early 1990s is a resounding success for the ADB and World Bank

privatization-is-best mantra. But it is a dismal failure at serving the

public interest. For the privatization of the Philippine energy sector

only meant higher electricity prices for consumers, a high probability

of private market power in the sector, less environmental protection,

less consumer protection, and the legitimizing of wrong policies and

corruption. Such is the logical result of the deadly mix of ADB and

World Bank private sector fundamentalism and an unaccountable

Philippine government.

(The Philippine Electric Power Industry Reform: A Tragedy of ADB and

World Bank Private Sector Fundamentalism and Unaccountable Government)

The privatization path that the Philippine power sector has taken since

the early 1990s is a resounding success for the ADB and World Bank

privatization-is-best mantra. But it is a dismal failure at serving the

public interest. For the privatization of the Philippine energy sector

only meant higher electricity prices for consumers, a high probability

of private market power in the sector, less environmental protection,

less consumer protection, and the legitimizing of wrong policies and

corruption. Such is the logical result of the deadly mix of ADB and

World Bank private sector fundamentalism and an unaccountable

Philippine government.

Reintroducing the Private Sector in the Electricity Industry

The government dominated the Philippine power sector in the past,

particularly generation and transmission. It played a big role in

planning, operation, and regulation. In early 1990s, the country

experienced power outages severe enough to be regarded as a national

crisis. The government then turned to the private sector for solutions.

Using a 1987 Executive Order that allowed the private sector to

generate electricity, and by enacting a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)

law in infrastructure projects, the government opened the floodgates

for contracts with private generation companies that we have now come

to know as independent power producers or IPPs. Full privatization

culminated in the signing into law of Republic Act 9136, or the Electric

Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) on 8 June 2001. A very comprehensive

piece of legislation, it mandates the full privatization of the

electric Power Industry in the Philippines following the ADB and World

Bank unbundling model.

The ADB and the World Bank Dictum: Privatize or Perish

The privatization of the Philippine power sector was not an autonomous

act of government. At each step the heavy hand of the World Bank and

the Asian Development Bank guided the government. Both banks are quite

transparent with their agenda. The ultimate agenda for the World Bank,

and to which the ADB agrees, is to create the biggest space possible

for private sector participation in the industry. The template for a

full-scale power reform program stresses: profitability, competition,

privatization, minimal regulation, and a diminished government role.

The World Bank identifies two essential conditions that must be met

before sector reform is attempted in developing countries. First, it

should be generally perceived in the country that reform is desirable.

A big push is when the sector is performing badly in terms of delivery

of electricity, with blackouts and brownouts as its most dramatic

manifestation. Second, carrying out the agenda must be politically

feasible. This involves an assessment of the mandate, strength, and

time to carry out the program that is available to the ruling party..


Together with the local conditions, the World Bank also emphasizes the

importance of the actions of international financial institutions

(IFIs) in advocating sector reform. A developing country's commitment

to the reform process can be influenced, the World Bank says, by a

"carrot and stick" lending structure. Lending for institutional reform

is bundled with lending for investments in the sector. Targets in the

institutional reform loan will be part of the conditions for release of

tranches of the loans for sector investment.

Once a government adopts a policy of allowing greater private sector

participation, the ADB and the World Bank mobilize their machinery,

network and financial resources to assist in policy implementation.

They provide equity and debt, syndicate debt financing, design IPP

contract structures, provide insurance mechanisms, and bring together

project financiers, developers, and sponsors to the negotiating table.

The World Bank and the ADB's steps to push electric power sector reform

in the Philippines is a showcase of faithful adherence to the foregoing

"country assistance strategy". The World Bank started the process by

highlighting the financial problems of the National Power Corporation

(NPC) in its 1988 Philippine Energy Sector Study, and made a pitch for

BOTs. The World Bank then saw the severe brownouts in early 1990s as an

opportunity to push BOTs further, and to propose the unbundling of the

system in a new sector study in 1994. In 1998, the ADB intensified the

pressure by extending a US$300 M loan for the power sector

restructuring program that culminated in the passing of the EPIRA.

The World Bank and the ADB used its "carrot and stick" lending

structure to the hilt. The lending for institutional reforms was

bundled with loans intended for NPC's investments in the expansion of

transmission networks. The 1998 ADB loan was also provided in the

context of a joint standby assistance program with the International

Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

IPPs: The Curse of Filipino Consumers

The NPC secured the accreditation of more that 40 IPP contracts. Yet,

the new generating capacity provided by the private sector did not come

cheap for consumers and government. The 1994 World Bank study notes

that the average price of some 13 projects it analyzed was 6.52 US

cents/kWh, which the World Bank conceded was "quite high" compared to

the 6.37 US cents/kWh bulk energy tariff of the NPC at that time. This

lower bulk energy tariff already included generation, transmission,

subsidies for rural and small island consumers, peak capacity, and

provision for reserve energy.

But bigger costs were to be borne by the government and the consumers

in the longer run. The IPPs were largely petroleum based, with lower

installation costs but higher fuel costs. Not only did government throw

out its energy mix program of relying more on indigenous energy

sources, the consumers were subjected to high fuel price risks in

imported petroleum that consumers assumed through fuel adjustment

clauses for tariffs in the IPP contracts. There is likewise an exchange

risk in pegging the wholesale tariff to the dollar. The government, and

ultimately, the consumers, also assumed the market risk through

generous take or- pay guarantees. Still, the World Bank concluded that

overall, the risk allocation between the IPPs and NPC is "reasonable".

In the end the longer-term costs caught up with the initial euphoria

over the IPP episode, leaving taxpayers and consumers holding the bag.

In addition to the initial high cost of the IPPs, the Asian crisis also

dramatically upset all the economic growth and foreign exchange

assumptions of the IPPs. This meant much higher fuel costs and

oversupply of electricity capacity. But the investors are fully covered

by the fuel cost adjustment mechanism and take-or-pay guarantees for

which consumers are now paying a heavy price.


Problems in EPIRA

To be sure, there are opportunities for public gain in introducing

greater competition in the industry. The EPIRA's biggest attraction

when it was being deliberated on was the promise of giving consumers

the ability to choose their electricity supplier. The competition is

hoped to result in prices equating to long run marginal cost.

But the competition policy in the EPIRA is shot full of holes that the

assumption that electricity price will equate with long-run marginal

cost is deceitful, if not naïve.

This is so because first, Congress refused calls from public interest

advocates to disallow cross ownership of distribution and generation

assets, or alternatively, to require a competitive pricing benchmark

for bilateral contracts between distributors and IPPs for the captive

market. Thus, there is a very clear prospect of vertical market

dominance. Second, because government did not impose sufficient limits

on horizontal ownership, we face the prospect of having only four

generation companies competing in the system.

But it is not only EPIRA's competition policy that is flawed. The

regulatory regime also has serious deficiencies. First, the power of

the Department of Energy over planning the mix of energy sources has

been severely watered down. In the past when the NPC was an attached

agency, the DOE had the capacity to implement its energy mix program.

Under the present law, DOE's power has been limited to "encouraging"

the private sector to invest in the development of indigenous and

renewable energy sources.

There is also no consumer representation in the ERC. This is consistent

with the World Bank and ADB idea of an "independent" regulatory agency

that is insulated from influence of government, electricity suppliers,

or consumers. There is a need to make an exception for consumers. The

returns to an individual consumer from participating in regulatory

processes (such as hearings) are very small compared to the returns to

electricity suppliers and other industry players. Especially in

countries like the Philippines where there are no strong consumer

groups, consumers are at a big disadvantage. One way to offset this

problem is to have consumer representation in the regulatory body.

Unaccountable Process and Vested Interests

In its case-by-case technique to privatization, the World Bank

identifies the following steps in pushing privatization: (1)

Identification of privatization candidates; (2) Feasibility study; (3)

Privatization plan; (4) Legislation or executive order; and (5) Sale.

The technique is designed to be unaccountable. It places particular

importance to autonomy in institutional design. Autonomy is the extent

to which "an institution is insulated from outside interference, and

thus from the veto power held by politicians or social groups." It

locates the privatization program at the most powerful center of

government to be able to overcome opposition and manage political

issues effectively. A related implication is that the process is

designed to be non-transparent.

Thus, the public only figures in step three after the policy issues

have been resolved and the legislation or executive order has been

prepared. And the public does not come in from a consultative frame,

but as part of a "communication plan" to build public support. The

public will only have a chance to participate when the policy involves

legislation that requires public hearing. Even here, the opposition is

regarded only as a problem to be managed. The World Bank is not just

fundamentalist, it is also vanguardist.

The assumption that the IFI's are always right, and that the government

always acts in people's best interests would be laughable were it not

so tragic for the public interest. The central power that the

privatization technique targets is often the most susceptible to vested

interest. In the IPP episode, the recent report by the Philippine

Center for Investigative Journalism points out that then President

Fidel Ramos "personally pushed for the speedy approval of some of the

most expensive power deals". Further, "individuals linked to Ramos

lobbied for the approval of some IPP contracts, which came with

numerous other deals, including lucrative legal, technical and

financial consultancies."


Strong business lobby groups also figured in the passage of EPIRA. At

one point, two members of Congress admitted that they were given money

from an unknown source to push the passage of the Power Bill. The House

did not investigate the exposé.


There are three key issues facing public interest advocates on power sector reform.

First, it is in the public interest to make the people and institutions

responsible for wrong policies and corrupt acts accountable. On the IPP

issue, the Freedom from Debt Coalition has started a parallel review of

the NPC's IPP contracts. This initiative needs to be supported and

expanded to cover the contracts entered into by private utilities. In

addition, this review must dovetail with the investigative information


vested interests involved in the contracts. There must be some learning

from the IPP experience on the structuring of risk, pricing, and


Second, there is clear public interest in making privatization

transparent and accountable. The hypocrisy of the IFIs needs to be

exposed. More than that, public interest advocates should be able to

take a hold of the privatization process not at some point when crucial

decisions have been made, but at all stages. A privatization process,

even if adopted, need not yield only one result. For example, a look at

four Asian

countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand) shows that

the state utilities assumed different levels of risk. The state

utilities in the Philippines and Indonesia have high risk exposures,

while Malaysia and Thailand have lower risks. No doubt this can be

explained in large part by how the different governments engaged the

process, taking the World Bank and ADB private sector fundamentalism as

a constant.

Third, there is clear public interest in fixing the EPIRA. The law must

be reviewed with a view to addressing the problems in competition

policy, scope of stranded costs, consumer representation, and

environment protection. Public interest advocates must also monitor and

engage its implementation, particularly the impending privatization of

the NPC generation assets and contracts as well as the National

Transmission Company (TRANSCO).

Public interest advocates will have different views on how to address

these challenges. There might be clear unity on the issue of

accountability and transparency, but there could be divergence in

confronting sector restructuring itself. On this latter issue, we

believe in the complementary roles of market and state planning. Market

instruments, when appropriately used, can serve public interest

objectives. For instance, privatization and deregulation can serve to

break up monopolies or cartels, lower prices, improve product

efficiency, and mobilize investment. The other side is a government

that works for the public good and national development. Privatization

and deregulation is not all opportunity, as the fundamentalist IFIs

would have us believe. Its ugly side is market failure, imperfect

markets, intensifying inequities, and further marginalizing of peoples.

Development planning, social regulation, and institutional intervention

are needed not only to make up for the market's flaws and limitations,

but also to effectively use the power of the state to achieve

socioeconomic goals. In any case, the policy mix must be drawn up with

caution: the process of increasing government's role, or scaling it

down, can be corrupted to frustrate the public good.

This article is a short version of a longer paper with the same

title. The longer paper contains details and data support. It is

available on request from the Action for Economic Reforms.

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