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  • Action for Economic Reforms


Mainstream economics relegated political economy to a backseat position

during the dominance of neo-liberalism in the 1980s till the early

1990s. But the tide has changed. Market failures in the 1990s, as

exemplified by the successive global financial crises that culminated

in the Asian crisis, have forced a retreat of free-market orthodoxy.

Keynesian economics, including its left-wing variety, has recovered

lost ground. Further, even the strongest advocates of neoclassical

economics have recognized the need for better institutions and better

regulations. Suffice it to say that in this condition, political

economy has likewise made a comeback.

David Ricardo (The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 1817)

defines political economy as “an inquiry into the laws which determine

the division of the produce of industry amongst the classes who concur

in its formation.” In this connection, the study of economics is

consciously and organically linked to what is called “the practical

aspects of political action” (The MIT Dictionary of Modern Economics,

4th edition, 1996).

Against this background, we can proceed to inquire into the political

economy of the Estrada administration. How is the wealth (or the

produce) being divided? What courses of political action have been

undertaken by the dominant forces to capture the economic gains arising

from public policy?

It is tempting to say that the Estrada administration is a reactionary

one, with hard-earned reforms being thrown out the window. Indeed, the

accession of Estrada has revitalized the Marcos cronies and empowered a

new circle of businessmen and power-brokers who were in the thick of

Estrada’s campaign for the presidency. And it is payoff time, and many

want to recoup their investments at the soonest, not even waiting for

the economy to first recover on a sustainable basis. What is common to

the motley group of businessmen in the Estrada camp is that they

principally depend on their close personal connection to Estrada to

advance their business interests. Mark Jimenez, who has to face

criminal charges in the US but whom Estrada calls a “corporate genius,”

arguably symbolizes the breed of businessmen that Estrada favors. Being

adept at wheeling and dealing is now synonymous with being a corporate

genius. Another symbol is Lucio Tan, the kapitan notorious for

allegedly being a big-time tax evader.

Yet, we must concede-and this is an objective fact-that reformers

occupy strategic positions in government. Some of these reformers are

liberals such as Felipe Medalla (Economic Planning Secretary) and

Benjamin Diokno (Budget Secretary). The liberals do play a progressive

role, for they are allies in the fight against the rent-seekers. The

progressives such as Boy Morales, Karina David, and Liling Briones, are

a significant force, if only they would consciously work in unison. We

can also include as reserves in the struggle for reforms two more

categories, namely: a) the ex-radicals like Orly Mercado and Gemma

Cruz-Araneta and b) the honest bureaucrats (a term used by Dean Raul V.

Fabella) like Brother Andrew Gonzalez.

Unfortunately, the liberals, progressives, and other allies have not

cohered. In fact, not one among them has taken the lead to craft and

push forward the reform agenda. At least, in Ramos’s administration,

the ideological Almonte-Carpio team orchestrated the reform agenda

through means fair and foul, which nonetheless resulted in weakening

the monopolies in telecommunications and transportation.

The lack of activism or intervention on the part of the reformers has

cleared the way for the political attack of rent-seekers and cronies.

Public policy is being redesigned to tilt the “division of the produce”

in the latter’s favor. On the other hand, the efforts of reformers and

honest bureaucrats have largely been confined to defensive action.


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