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Action for Economic Reforms

The Author is a Board Member Action for Economic Reforms and of the Center for Migrant Advocacy. He is also a co-convenor of Social Watch Philippines. This piece was published in the Yellow Pad column of Business World, 03 May 2004 edition.

In April 2000, 182 governments participated in the World Education

Forum in Dakar, Senegal and reaffirmed their commitment to the

Education for All (EFA) initiative. The forum adopted the “Dakar

Framework of Action” which outlined six education goals – attaining

Universal Primary Education (UPE) and gender equality, improving

literacy and educational quality, and increasing life-skills and early

childhood education programs. These goals should be achieved within 15

years except the gender goal which sets achieving parity in basic

education by 2005 and full equality throughout education by 2015. Two

of these goals (UPE and gender parity) were eventually integrated in

the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted during the UN

Millennium Summit held in September 2000.

Four years after Dakar, the Philippine government has yet to finalize

and submit its own National Action Plan which will outline the

strategies to meet the EFA goals according to the timeline set by the

global conference. In fairness, though, the delay in formulating the

national plan may not be due to sheer negligence on the part of the

Department of Education. For one, the successive turnover of education

secretaries in the last four years was definitely a factor that

contributed to the delay. Bro. Andrew Gonzalez was replaced by then

Senator Raul Roco in February 2001 after the collapse of the Erap

presidency. Secretary Edilberto de Jesus took over the department

shortly after then Secretary Roco resigned his post in August 2002. To

be sure, managing the biggest government bureaucracy is not an easy

job. But more importantly, reversing the deteriorating state of

education is no simple task and needs very careful and thorough


The Philippines maintains one of the most extensive public school

system in the developing world with combined enrollment surpassing

those of richer and more developed countries. Yet, critical gaps remain

– in terms of equity, efficiency, quality and governance. The public

school system is simply too big and the resources too little. Quality

is poor and the system is badly managed.

While school coverage improved significantly through the years,

internal efficiency remains low and virtually stagnant. Only two-thirds

of grade one entrants reach grade six and less than half eventually

complete high school education. This indicates a high fall-out rate,

with a significant percentage of pupils dropping out between grades 1

and 3 even before functional literacy is achieved. The worst part is

that the quality of education has deteriorated to such an alarming

level that the country now ranks among the poorest performers in East

Asia and the rest of the world. Years of neglect, mismanagement and

underinvestment have set back the education sector by at least a


The poor quality of education is reflected in part in the performance

of students in learning achievement tests. Most test results reveal

that pupils in both primary and secondary levels learn less than half

of what they should be learning in school. What is most appalling is

that teachers who took the same tests fared no better than the students

they teach.

In its Global Monitoring Report for 2003/4, UNESCO introduced the EFA

Development Index or EDI, which incorporates four indicators to measure

progress in achieving the Dakar goals: net enrolment, adult literacy,

gender parity and education quality. This measure is indicative of how

far the Philippines have failed in delivering education of acceptable

quality. Using the EDI as a gauge of education performance, the

Philippines now trails most countries in East Asia, including Thailand,

Vietnam, Indonesia and China. What is worse is that in terms of quality

as measured by cohort survival to Grade 5, the Philippines ranks in the

same category as Africa’s poorest – such as Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe and


This, indeed, is a wakeup call for everyone. Unless drastic reforms are

undertaken soon, the country may never recover from the state of

stagnancy and mediocrity that has characterized the public school

system in the last quarter of the century.

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