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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is the dean of the College of Business and Economics at De La Salle University.

Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairman and Public Works Secretary Bayani Fernando beat me to the draw.

Ever since he instituted the new traffic scheme that is now in force

along EDSA and undertook to sweep the vendors off the sidewalks of

Metro Manila, I had been considering writing a column calling for the

lifting of the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP). But

while I was hemming and hawing about it, Mr. Fernando jumped the gun on

me and did it, even if only on a trial basis and with Makati City and,

later, Mandaluyong City exempted. He is getting flak for it, though.

Based on first principles, however, Mr. Fernando is at least on the

right track in suspending the “car-less day” policy, which by now has

served out its usefulness. The argument for this is as follows:

The streets of Metro Manila may be regarded as a common-property

resource by all residents with access to (private) vehicles. But

because the kilometers-of-road to population ratio of the metropolis is

low (and declining as population growth outstrips the rate of expansion

of the road network), the situation is ripe for a tragedy of the

commons phenomenon: we get a heavier volume of vehicular traffic than

is socially optimal. The reason: when motorists calculate the benefits

and costs of traveling, they fail to factor in the (external) cost of

congestion that each of them brings along with him into the traffic


A (regulatory) policy is therefore needed to lighten the traffic

volume. For the problem to be satisfactorily addressed, however,

economic theory requires that an intervention meet three conditions:

First, the traffic scheme must recognize the congestion costs so that

motorists are made to bear them explicitly. Second, to ensure economic

efficiency (assuming that motorists have heterogeneous preferences),

the traffic scheme must adopt an allocation rule such that motorists

with high valuations of time (at the margin) are those who are given

the right to road use. Third, the costs of the traffic scheme must be

distributionally progressive (preferably) or at least distributionally

neutral so that the poor do not unduly bear them.

Reality check 1: Does the UUVRP meet these conditions? By banning cars

from the streets one day a week from 7 am to 7 pm on the basis of the

last digit of their license plate numbers, the program imposes the

burden of congestion costs on owners of the prohibited cars, who are

forced either to use their cars before and after the hours of

restriction (in effect reallocating the time distribution of vehicular

traffic) or to take public transport. Thus, the UVVRP satisfies the

first condition.

In addition, in the early days of its implementation, the program was

distributionally neutral since road-use rights had not been a factor in

the determination of the number of cars owned by households.

The program, however, has been in place for at least five years now,

and in that time households with the capacity and the (marginal)

willingness to pay (i.e., to rearrange their expenditure patterns) have

acquired extra cars. Consequently, over time, the UVVRP has become an

anti-poor traffic scheme, inasmuch as only for one-car families have

the road-use rights remained restricted.

Moreover, as the rich have bought more and more cars, the volume of

traffic has correspondingly become heavier, thus defeating the very

purpose of the scheme.

In the end, because the UVVRP remained in effect for so long and no

restrictions were imposed on the sale of cars (to, say, replacement

levels plus a growth rate equal to the rate of expansion of road

density), both of which allowed richer families to get around the

burden of the scheme, the program ultimately did not reduce the volume

of traffic. It only effected a transfer of resources from car owners to

car dealers and manufacturers (due to car sales) as well as to drivers

and owners of public transportation.

Reality check 2: Does the lifting of the UVVRP improve the situation?

The answer here depends on the relative weights that one assigns to the

three conditions that a traffic scheme must address. The problem with

the UVVRP was that, ultimately, the burden of the congestion cost was

borne by the one-car families, which made the traffic scheme

regressive. The problem with suspending the program is that, while the

efficiency and equity criteria (i.e., conditions two and three) are now

met, congestion costs are once again not explicitly recognized. In

addition, MMDA now has to contend with the extra capacity in cars of

the wealthy households, which may have accounted for the “rebound

effect” (in the form of a very heavy volume of traffic) during the

first week of the UVVRP suspension. What households with extra cars

will do with them in the days ahead (when the novelty of the program

suspension fades) will determine whether congestion costs have

inexorably risen.

The question thus boils down to the following: With a no-restrictions

traffic scheme in place, is the level of congestion likely to exceed

that critical point beyond which Metro Manila residents, in general,

and the MMDA, in particular, would willingly give up the concomitant

benefits in efficiency and equity?

In any case, it is clear that, instead of a simple scheme, a

comprehensive plan is needed to reduce the volume and to ease the flow

of traffic in Metro Manila. Some components of this plan may include

the following:

  • Creating mechanisms to sell or bid off road-use rights, which

  • Creating mechanisms to ensure the smooth flow of traffic (thus

  • Building more roads to increase road density in the metropolis and improving the quality of existing roads.

  • Installing volume-sensitive traffic lights.

  • Rationalizing the public transportation system to take account of

  • Undertaking a public information campaign on how to ease the


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