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  • Action for Economic Reforms


In light of the upcoming Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade

Organization, this paper calls on the government to open up the debates

on the Philippine commitments concerning the General Agreement on Trade

in Services (GATS) and seek the views of the local service industries

and other stakeholders such as the trade unions before making any

formal initial offers to GATS this year.

On the agenda in the Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade

Organization (WTO) in Cancun, Mexico September this year is the

proposed liberalization of the service industries, which, unlike the

industrial or agricultural industries, had not been subjected to any

global trading agreement before. For how can trade tariffs be imposed

or lifted on services which can not be placed in boxes or container


But the WTO neo-liberal magicians have found a way of making services

‘tradeable' globally and, consequently, in liberalizing its global

trading – by allowing the freer entry (meaning setting up shops or

buying into local service industries) of foreign service providers

(e.g., banking, telecom, distribution, education, etc.) and by asking

the host countries to treat them equally like the locals. In addition,

the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) encourages the

freer movement of personnel of foreign service providers and the

relaxation of rules on service consumption across national boundaries

(e.g., accountancy or architectural services done in one country and

sent to consumers in another country through the internet). With the

pressures of transnational service companies such as Barclay's, the

GATS was included in l994 among the two dozen or so global trade

agreements to be administered by the WTO, with the understanding that

member countries did not need to open up their service industries then.

They were simply asked to join GATS and to negotiate for the

liberalization of their service industries later.

Well, the pressure is now on for the full liberalization of the sector.

As a result of the Doha Ministerial Conference in 2001, the WTO's

member countries are being asked to make broad liberalization

commitments in the service sector and to submit formal ‘initial offers'

by March of this year. The WTO expects the negotiations to last till

2004 and to have the full implementation of GATS commitments by 2005.

These deadlines mean that there will be a drastic restructuring of

service industries in most countries of the world. It is precisely in

anticipation of such service industry realignment that Dr. Mahathir

asked its 57 or so Malaysian banks to merge into 10 ‘anchor banks' in

order to become stronger vis-à-vis the bigger foreign banks expected to

come in under GATS.

But what has the Philippines done? What have we committed to GATS? Will there be more jobs for the country under GATS?

Unfortunately, very little has been published by the concerned

government agencies such as NEDA on the progress of the negotiations on

GATS and the commitments the Philippines has made or is formulating.

Before the firing of its DG Dante Canlas last year, NEDA organized an

orientation workshop on what is GATS. However, unlike what Canada or

Australia has done, NEDA has not publicized its proposed commitments to

GATS and has not actively enlisted the local service industries and

other stakeholders such as the trade unions in formulating the

Philippine position on GATS.

In Canada, United States, Australia and Europe, the service industries

have been very vocal as to what service industries they feel should be

liberalized and which should remain restricted. On the other hand, the

trade unions in these countries, with their access on the information

related to the liberalization commitments being discussed by their

governments in the WTO, have registered their collective position that

the concepts of ‘public service' and ‘universal service' should never

be compromised or whittled down in any GATS negotiations, especially in

relation to health, education and other basic services.


One general assumption being made by some economists and observers is

that the Philippines is a run-away winner under GATS since we are a

major source of skilled service personnel such as accountants,

engineers, technicians and so on in Asia. However, the original authors

of GATS took pains in excluding the movement of persons seeking

employment overseas in the coverage of GATS. What is covered is only

the movement of personnel of service-providing companies with jobs or

contracts to fulfill in a host country. Obviously, what the GATS

authors did was to avoid influencing the existing pattern of global

labor sourcing by the more developed countries, which is highly

restrictive and selective, that is, open only to certain job categories

such as programmers, nurses and maids.

The real fight in GATS is how service-providing companies of certain

countries can penetrate the service industries of other countries. This

is why in Australia, the government there and the Australian Chamber

are closely coordinating their efforts in identifying service industry

winners and how these industries such as their competitive education

industry can be positioned under GATS and create more jobs for


Sadly, we have not heard of any joint and strategic government-industry

consultation and coordination here in the Philippines. Instead, the

discussion is more focused on how the country can comply with the

requirements of GATS, including the controversial issue of making the

Constitution GATS-compatible such as the removal of the nationality

requirement in the exercise of the professions such as accountancy.

Last year, the European Union made a request to the Philippine

government for the wholesale liberalization of the following "service

sectors" — professional services, business services, postal and

courier services, telecommunication services, construction and related

engineering services, distribution services, environmental services,

financial services, tourism and travel-related services, news agency

services, transport (air, maritime, land, other) services and energy

services. This list covers practically the entire service sector of the

economy. Will the liberalization of these ‘service sectors' create more

jobs for the country, or will they lead to more job displacements and

painful industrial restructuring?

It will do well for NEDA and other concerned government agencies to

open up the debates on the Philippine GATS commitments and seek the

views of the local service industries and other stakeholders such as

the trade unions before making any formal initial offers to GATS this



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